Rosa Cossart - Curriculum Vitae#

  • 1997-2001: PhD in Biophysics, Université Paris VI. Supervised by Dr. C. Bernard. Subject: “Organization of GABAergic microcircuits in the hippocampus of naïve and epileptic rats” Maternité de Port Royal, INSERM U29, Paris, France
  • 1994-1997: Ecole Centrale Paris, France. General Engineering. Masters Degree in Biophysics. Paris VI, Jussieu. Mention Bien
  • 1991-1994 : Lycée Blaise Pascal, Orsay. France. Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles

  • Since 2010 DR2 C.N.R.S. position
  • 2006 - 2010 C.N.R.S, CR1. INMED (INSERM U901, Marseille, France)- INSERM Group leader
  • 2003 - 2006 C.N.R.S, CR1. INMED (INSERM U901, Marseille, France)- Co-leadership with Dr. V. Crépel of the group “Developmental and reactive plasticity of hippocampal networks”
  • 2001 - 2003 HFSP Research fellow in Pr. Yuste laboratory (Columbia University, New York USA)

Recent Awards
  • 2016 Prix Recherche de l’INSERM
  • 2015 Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite
  • 2014 ERC Consolidator Grant (Neuropioneers)
  • 2009 ERC Starting Grant (GABANetworks)
  • 2008 Coup d’Elan de la Fondation Bettencourt
  • 2005 Médaille de Bronze du CNRS

Direction and Animation

Grant funding: Throughout her career, RC was able to secure funding from many sources including 2 ERC Grants (2010 Starting, 2015 Consolidator), an “Equipe FRM”(2008), the “Coup d’ Elan Bettencourt” (2008), several ANR Grants as a PI (2006, 2013) or partner (2014), Neuron-EraNet (2009), etc.

Training by research:
  • Master students: supervised a total of 13 Master students from different backgrounds: K Bennouar, A. Lépine, R. Ammari, L. Sasportas, C. Allene, M. Picardo, N. Dupuy, L. Lalla, S. Martin, C. Gouny, L. Save, D. Cavalieri, C. Haimerl.
  • PhD students: supervised the work of 7 PhD students: C. Allene (2006-2010), M. Picardo (2008-2012), T. Marissal (2007-2012), L. Save (since oct 2014), D. Champelovier (since 2014 defense on Dec 1st 2016, co-directed with Dr. S. Monneret, Fresnel Institute), T. Tressard (since fall 2015, co-directed with Dr. V. Emiliani, Paris Descartes), C.Gouny (since fall 2015, co-directed with Dr. A. Baude)-
  • Postdocs: supervised over 10 postdocs from various countries (USA, Italy, Germany, Israel, France, Portugal, Spain) funded by various grants including 5 Marie Curie and a WHRI COFUND award: M. Goldin, P. Bonifazi, S. Feldt-Muldoon, V. Sousa, P. Lachamp, V. Villette, A. Malvache, C. Bardy, L. Modol-Vidal, S. Reichinnek. All postdocs applied spontaneously.
  • Participation to teaching: regularly invited to participate in teaching at international schools as well as in local master programs including: Cajal Course (2016), PENS Hertie Winter School (2010), FENS-IBRO Imaging Training Center, Diplôme Universitaire de Neurologie Experimentale, Luminy Master « Biologie des Eucaryotes » (2009-2010), « Physique-Biologie » (2010-2011), « Pathologie Humaine » (since 2010).-Member of 4 thesis committees (Dr. Karagiannis, Dr. Villette, Dr. Perrenoud, Dr. Gasselin) and one HDR committee (R. Nouvian).

Research evaluation
  • 2012-2016: nominated member of the CSS6 (Neuroscience) of INSERM
  • Scientific reviewer for several journals including Nature Neuroscience Reviews, Nature Neuroscience (since 2012), Neuron (since 2010), PNAS, Journal of Neuroscience (since 2008), Journal of Physiology (since 2006), Cerebral Cortex (2007), European Journal of Neuroscience (since 2003), Journal of Neurophysiology (since 2003), PLOS Computational Biology (since 2011), etc.
  • Grant reviewer for several agencies including the European Research Council, the Wellcome Trust, ANR, FRC, the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, NWO, Epilepsy Research UK, DFG, etc.
  • Since 2013: member of the Advisory Board of the SFB 1089 (one evaluation visit in Bonn every year, see, member of the Advisory Board of an NIH grant on “Development and function of 5HT3aR-expressing cortical GABAergic interneurons” (2014), SAB for the integration of a new research group at the Institut de Biologie Paris Seine

Meeting organisation

Organized with D. Debanne an international symposium “Linking single-cell properties and network dynamics” (April 2016, Marseille), member of the organization committee of an EMBO Workshop “Interneurons in health and disease” (2015, Mallorca), Member of the organizing committee of the French SFN (2011).

Seminars and meetings

Since the beginning of her career, Rosa Cossart has been been giving on a regular basis about once a month, seminars at prestigious institutions (NIH Neuroscience Seminar series 2010, Harvard 2014, NYU 2013, UCLA 2014, Janelia, Cold Spring Harbor, UPMC, Pasteur, ICM, IFM, etc..) and meetings (GRC, FENS, Jacques Monod, EMBO, etc), these include: GRCs (2012, 2014, 2016), Conférences Jacques Monod (Roscoff, France (2016, 2014, 2012 –cancelled due to pregnancy, 2010, etc.), “Wiring the Brain (2011, 2015), plenary lectures (Hungarian (2016), French (2015) and Mediterranean (Malta 2016) Neuroscience Society Meetings ), Janelia Workshops (2015, 2014), EMBO meetings (2009, 2015, 2012), FENS Symposia (2014, 2012), etc.

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