Maria Ågren#
Membership Number: | 3402 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Elected: | 2012 |
Main Country of Residence: | SWEDEN |
Homepage(s): | |
Present and Previous Positions
- since 2002 Professor of history at Uppsala university
- 2001-2002 Professor of history at Midsweden university
- 1999-2001 Lecturer and researcher at Uppsala university
- 1994-1998 Assistant professor at Uppsala university
- 1992-1994 Researcher funded by the Swedish Research Council, Uppsala University
Fields of Scholarship
- Early modern Swedish and Scandinavian history
- Intersection of legal history, social history and economic history
- History of property, both in restricted legal sense and in broad, cultural sense
- History of marriage and inheritance
- Gender and work in early modern Europe
Honours and Awards
- Membership in learned societies:
- ca 2003 Societas Litterarum Humaniorum Regiae Upsaliensis
- 2005 The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities
- 2006 The Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala
- Prizes and Awards
- 1988 Emil Hildebrand’s Prize, awarded by Svenska Historiska Föreningen (The Swedish Historical Association) for the article "Att lösa ekonomiska tvister – domstolarnas främsta sysselsättning på 1700-talet?"
- 1992 The Prize in Memory of Anders Diös, awarded by Kungl. Gustav Adolfs Akademien (The Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy of Swedish Folk Culture) for the dissertation Jord och gäld. Social skiktning och rättslig konflikt i södra Dalarna ca 1650 to 1850
- 1998 Prize for distinguished scholarly work 1998, awarded by K. Vitterhets- Historie och Antikvitetsakademien (The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities) for the monograph Att hävda sin rätt. Synen på jordägandet i 1600-talets Sverige, speglad i institutet urminnes hävd
- 1999 The Oscar Prize, awarded by Uppsala university for the entire scholarly production
- 2001 The Erwin C. Surrency Prize, awarded by the American Society for Legal History for the article "Asserting one’s rights. Swedish property law in between community law and state law"
- 2003 The Thuréus Prize , awarded by K. Vetenskaps Societeten i Uppsala (The Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala) for the entire scholarly production
- 2005 The Prize in Memory of Sten Carlsson, awarded by Kungl. Gustav Adolfs Akademien(The Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy of Swedish Folk Culture)