!Wil van der Aalst - Other Information
For more information visit:
* [http://www.workflowpatterns.com]
* [http://www.workflowcourse.com]
* [http://www.processmining.org]
* [http://www.yawl-system.com]
On May 30th, Wil van der Aalst  received an honorary doctorate from the University of Hasselt in Belgium. He is awarded the degree doctor honoris causa for his work on Business Process Management (in particular his work on process mining).
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Some links to news items on this topic:
* [http://web.tue.nl/cursor/internet/jaargang54/cursor14/nieuws/index.php?page=x37] 
* [http://www.automatiseringgids.nl/nieuws/2012/15/eindhovense-informaticus-eredoctor-in-belgie] 
* [http://www.computable.nl/artikel/nieuws/loopbaan/4488478/1458016/tuehoogleraar-wordt-eredoctor-in-belgi.html]