!!Tomáš Zima - Curriculum Vitae
__Education __ 
*1984-90 Medical Faculty Charles University, graduation with honors, M.D.\\
*1993 – Ph.D. degree of biochemistry, Charles University\\
*2000 – DSc. degree of medicine, Charles University\\
*2003 – Master of Business Administration – PIBS Prague\\
*1990-93 research candidate /Ph.D./of biochemistry 1st Dept. of Biochemistry    1993-96 assistant professor (senior lecturer), 1st Dept. Biochemistry\\
*1996-01 Associate Professor of Medical Chemistry  and Biochemistry, \\
*1999- Head of Institute of Medical Chemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University and General Teaching University Hospital, Prague\\
*2000 DSc. – medical sciences \\
*2001 Professor of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry \\
*2005-12 Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University\\
*2012-14 Vice-dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University\\
*2014 Rector of Charles University \\
__Clinical carieer__
*Certificate of clinical chemistry, internal medicine and nephrology \\
*European Specialist in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EurClinChem)\\
__Teaching expirience__
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From 1989: biochemistry, medical chemistry, pathobiochemistry, clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine \\
__Grants co-applicant:__ 
*27 grants - grant agency of Ministry of Health, 2 co-applicant of Grant Agency of Czech Republic, 8 co-applicant of Grant Agency of Charles University \\
*2 projects Transition facility \\
*BBMRI_CZ – project for creation a biobanks \\
*Member of team of 2 EU projects - FAIR-PARK II – Conservative iron chelation as a disease-modifying strategy in Parkinsons disease,  SMARTDIAGNOS – H2020- Next generation sepsis diagnosis \\
__Lectures:__ 130 abroad and 404 in the Czech Republic
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Main author (8 books) and co-author of 71 chapters in books\\
277 original articles - 192 of them in journals ranking with IF\\
138 review articles (20 of them in journals ranking with IF)\\
1 patent\\
Cited 3170 times (Web of Science)\\
h-index 28\\ \\