!!Rafael Zardoya - Curriculum Vitae

__Researcher unique identifiers:__\\
Researcher ID: B-2291-2012;  ORCID: 0000-0001-6212-9502\\
__Research interests:__ \\
I am interested in understanding the evolutionary patterns, processes and mechanisms associated to the generation of biodiversity. Thus, I infer statistically robust phylogenetic frameworks that allow me reconstructing the evolution of morphological and behavioral traits, as well as understanding the historical generation of current biogeographical patterns. I am currently focused on gastropod systematics and analyze complete mitochondrial genome sequence data as well as nuclear markers derived from NGS. I have also active research in the molecular evolution of gene families and the causes behind incorrect phylogenetic inferences.\\
__Research indicators (Google Scholar 13/01/2019):__\\
121 SCI publications  (83% in Q1)\\
12,573 total citations; 898.6 citations/year in the last 5 years (2013-2017)\\
(Wos H-index=52)\\
__Supervision (Ph.D. theses)__\\
2019  Samuel Abalde. Univ. Salamanca\\
2016 Juan Esteban Uribe. Univ. Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)\\
2015 David Osca. UAM\\
2012 Iker Irisarri. UAM\\
2009 María Teresa Cabría. Univ. País Vasco. \\
2008 Eva M. Albert. Univ. Sevilla.\\
2008 Regina Cunha. UAM \\
2007 Elena González. UAM\\
2006 Diego San Mauro. UAM\\
2004 Francisco Cabrero. UAM\\
2004 Cristina Grande. UAM \\
2003 Pilar Flores. UAM \\
__Institutional and Panel responsibilities__
*2010-2018 European Research Council (ERC), member of panel LS8 \\
*2008-2011 Research Coordinator of the Natural Resources area of CSIC\\
*2007-2008 Member of the Spanish National Science Foundation Comittee on Plant, Animal Biology and Ecology \\
*2006-2012 Member of the Biogenesis-DIVERSITAS International Committee\\
*2004-2009 President of Spanish National Committee of the International Union of Biological Sciences
__Ongoing Editorial activities__
*Associate Editor: Journal of Molecular Evolution , Mitochondrial DNA, BMC Evolutionary Biology\\
*Editorial Board: Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, BMC bioinformatics
__Funding as PI__\\
Regular funding from Spanish NSF since 2001 every three years. Average funding per project: 150.000 euros\\ \\