!!Shmuel Zamir - Biography
Zamir completed his PhD thesis, "Repeated Games with Incomplete Information," under the supervision of Robert J. Aumann in 1971, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.\\
Zamir has been Professor of Statistics at the Hebrew University since 1974, including serving as the chairman of the department 1984-1986.  He has been a founding member of the Center for the Study of Rationality at the Hebrew University since its inception in 1991. He has held positions at various institutions around the world: University Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), University of Strasbourg (France), University of Pittsburgh (USA), Ecole Polytechnique (France), INSEE (France), CNRS (France), Johns Hopkins University (USA), and University of Exeter (UK).\\
Since 2008 Zamir is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Game Theory (IJGT), one of the two official journals of the Game Theory Society. He also served for many years as a member of the editorial board of IJGT, Journal of Mathematical Economics, and Games and Economic Behavior. \\
Zamir is an elected Fellow of the Econometric Society, of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, and of the Game Theory Society. He was a Charter Member of the Game Theory Society with its foundation in 1999.\\ \\