!!Urs Matthias Zachmann - Publications
[List of publications|http://www.geschkult.fu-berlin.de/e/oas/japanologie/institut/mitarbeiter/professoren/zachmann]
!Selected Publications

[Völkerrechtsdenken und Außenpolitik in Japan|http://www.nomos-shop.de/Zachmann-V%C3%B6lkerrechtsdenken-Au%C3%9Fenpolitik-Japan-1919-1960/productview.aspx?product=14127&pac=weco], 1919-1960 (The Discourse on International Law and Foreign Politics in Japan, 1919-1960). Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013 (Studien zur Geschichte des Völkerrechts / Series History of International Law, vol. 29).\\
China and Japan in the Late Meiji Period: China Policy and the Japanese Discourse on National Identity, 1895-1904. London: Routledge/Leiden Series in Modern East Asian Politics and History, 2009 (Hardcover) and 2011 (Paperback). JaDe Prize 2010; reviews in top international journals such as Pacific Affairs, International History Review, Journal of Japanese Studies, Monumenta Nipponica, Journal of Asian Studies, The American Historical Review, The China Quarterly, Journal of the History of International Law etc. \\
ed., Asia after Versailles: Asian Perspectives on the Paris Peace Conference and the Post-War World, 1919-1933. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, expected Oct. 2014.\\
"Race and International Law in Japan's New Order in East Asia, 1938-1945", in: Rotem Kowner and Walter Demel (eds.), Race and Racism in Modern East Asia: Western and Eastern Constructions. Leiden: Brill, 2013, pp. 453-473.\\
“The Postwar Constitution and Religion“, in: John Nelson and Inken Prohl (eds.), Handbook of Contemporary Japanese Religions. Leiden: Brill, 2012, PP. 215-240.\\
“Eine andere Form der Ungleichheit: Behinderung und soziale Stratifikation in Japans kakusa shakai-Diskussion” (Another Kind of Gap: Disability and Social Stratification in Japan’s kakusa shakai Discourse), Contemporary Japan 22 (Fall 2010), pp. 75-98.\\
“Race without Supremacy: On Racism in the Political Discourse of Late Meiji Japan, 1890-1912,” in: Manfred Berg and Simon Wendt (eds.), Global Dimensions of Racism in the Modern World: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives. New York: Berghahn Books, 2011, pp. 255-280.\\
“War and International Order in Japan’s International Legal Discourse: Attitudes among Japanese International Lawyers during the 1920s”, Review of Asian and Pacific Studies (Seikei University), vol. 35 (2010), pp. 103-120. \\
“Terra marique: die Rückkehr des Raums in der völkerrechtlichen Debatte Japans, 1989-2009” (Terra marique: the Return of Space in the International Legal Discourse of Japan, 1989-2009), in: Iris Wieczorek und David Chiavacci (eds), Japan 2009 - Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (The German Association for Social Science Research on Japan, VSJF), 2009, pp. 113-133.\\
"Asianismus und Völkerrecht: Japans sanfter Übergang von der Großostasiatischen Wohlstandssphäre zu den Vereinten Nationen, 1944-1956“ (Asianism and international law: Japan’s easy transition from the Greater East-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere to the United Nations, 1944-1956), Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung, vol. 18, no. 6 (2008), pp. 53-68.\\
“Blowing Up a Double Portrait in Black and White: the Concept of Asia in the Writings of Fukuzawa Yukichi and Okakura Tenshin,” in: positions: east asia cultures critique, vol. 15, no. 2 (fall 2007), pp. 345-368.\\
“Guarding the Gates of Our East Asia: Japanese Reactions to the Far Eastern Crisis (1897-98) as a Prelude to the War,” in: Rotem Kowner (ed.), Rethinking the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-5, vol. 1: Centennial Perspectives. Folkestone, Kent: Global Oriental, 2007, pp. 13-30.