!!William Wisden - Curriculum Vitae
__Present Posts__
*Feb 2009 -  Chair of Molecular Neuroscience, Imperial College London.\\
*Feb 2019 -  Affiliate - Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, University College London
__Prior Appointments__
*2005 - 2009 Professor & Chair of Neuroscience, University of Aberdeen, Scotland\\
*2001 - 2005  Group Leader, IZN, University of Heidelberg, Germany\\
*1993 - 2001 Group Leader, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge
__Education and Post-doctoral Research Training__\\
*1976 - 1982 King’s Manor Comprehensive School, Shoreham-By-Sea, UK\\
*1982 - 1983 Laboratory technician, Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Worthing, UK \\
*1983 - 1986 BA, Class I, Zoology, Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge\\
*1986 - 1989 PhD, University of Cambridge & MRC Molecular Neurobiology Unit Cambridge
__Post-doctoral Research__
*1990 - 1992 EMBO Long-term Fellowship, ZMBH, University of Heidelberg\\
__Selected Recent Committee Service__
*2009 - 2011 Welcome Trust Neuroscience & Mental Health Committee \\
*2012 - 2016 MRC Neurosciences & Mental Health Board. Deputy Chair for last two meetings\\
*2015  MRC Harwell, QQR committee, MRC Molecular and Cellular Medicine Board\\
*2014 -  2019 ,Co-Director, Centre for Neurotechnology, Imperial College London\\
*2012 - present  Advisory Board, Spemann Graduate School of Biology & Medicine, Freiburg\\
*2018 - present  Scientific Advisory Board, MRC Toxicology Unit, Universities of Leicester & Cambridge\\
*2019  EPSRC Physics of Life Panel\\
*2019 - present Sir Henry Dale Fellowship Interview Committee (Royal Society & Welcome Trust)
*Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (elected April 2014)\\ \\