!!Glynn Winskel
!Short laudatio by Mogens Nielsen
1. Research leadership. GW is responsible for many of the deepest results
in semantics of computation, eg: Information systems, invented independently
by Dana Scott and GW, are a central tool in domain theory; Event structures,
of which GW is the main developer, are established as a fundamental model
of computation, and a listed topic of international conferences such
as CONCUR; the occurrence-net unfolding of Petri nets (with Nielsen &
Plotkin), is the basis of seminal work on model checking; Morphisms for
models for concurrency - the basis of the influential open-maps approach
to bisimulation, and his ERC project.
2. Founding director and continuing director of the research centre BRICS,
3. Organization: He has chaired several international conferences and workshops
eg LICS'97, ICALP'98, Summer School on Semantics 1999, Fields Institute
workshop on Causality in Physics & CS 2003. He is on the editorial board
of several journals and book series, and on the organizing & advisory committees
of many academic bodies, incl. LICS.
4. Dissemination and education: invited speaker for numerous international
meetings; supervised 17 PhD students with subsequent careers ranging from
academia (several are professors, in DK, Australia, Malta and US---one
is university rector) to computer scientists in industry (several with
their own companies, one the senior IT adviser of a leading Danish bank).

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