!!Benno Werlen - Selected Publications
WERLEN, B. & P. MEUSBURGER (Eds.) (2017): Knowledge and Action. Springer Publishers. Dordrecht (64.364 downloads)\\
WERLEN, B. (2017): Sozialgeographie alltäglicher Regionalisierungen Bd. 2: Globalisierung, Region und Regionalisierung. Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart. (Social Geography of Everyday Regionalizations. Vol. 2: Globalization, Region and Regionalization, 3rd revised Edition)\\
WERLEN, B., L. OOSTERBEEK, L. CARON (eds.) (2017): Sustainability and Sociocultural Matrices. Arkeos Lisbon/Maçao 2017\\
WERLEN, B. (2015) (Ed.): Global Sustainability, Cultural Perspectives and Challenges for Transdisciplinary Integrated Research. Springer Publishers. Dordrecht\\
WERLEN, B. (2010): Gesellschaftliche Räumlichkeit. Bd. 1: Orte der Geographie. Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart. (Places of Geography. Collected Papers. Vol. 1)\\
WERLEN, B. (2010): Gesellschaftliche Räumlichkeit. Bd. 2: Konstruktion geographischer Wirklichkeiten. Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart. (Places of Geography. Collected Papers. Vol. 2)\\
WERLEN, B. (2008): Sozialgeographie. Eine Einführung. UTB Haupt Bern (Social Geography. An Introduction. 3th totally revised Edition)\\
WERLEN, B. (Ed.) (2008): Sozialgeographie alltäglicher Regionalisierungen Bd. 3: Empirische Befunde. Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart (Social Geography of Everyday Regionalizations. Vol. 3: Everyday Geographies – Emipircal Studies)\\
WERLEN, B. (1999): Sozialgeographie alltäglicher Regionalisierungen Bd. 1: Zur Ontologie von Gesellschaft und Raum. Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart (On the Ontology of Society and Space, 2nd. totally revised Edition)\\
WERLEN, B. (1997): Gesellschaft, Handlung und Raum. Grundlagen handlungstheoretischer Sozialgeographie. Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart (Society, Action and Space, 3rd, totally revised Edition)\\
WERLEN, B. (1993): Society, Action and Space. An alternative human geography. Routledge London (Society, Action and Space. An alternative human geography, Preface by Anthony Giddens) \\
__Google Scholar Search:__ i10-index = 49\\
__Google Scholar Search:__ h-index = 27