!!Peter Wells - Selected publications
Please note that citation numbers have not been included in this list.  In this particular field, citation numbers are known to be very low and are therefore not considered to be relevant. 
Zeqiri B, Baker C, Alosa G, Wells PNT, Liang HD.  Quantitative ultrasonic computed tomography using phase-insensitive pyroelectric detectors.  Phys Med Biol 2013; 58: 5237-5268.\\
This paper is the first report of ultrasonic transmission computed tomography using phase-insensitive pyroelectric transducers.\\
Wells PNT, Liang H-D.  Medical ultrasound: imaging of soft tissue strain and elasticity.  J Roy Soc Interface 2011; 8: 1521-1549.\\
This is a comprehensive review of ultrasonic elastography, which is one of the most recent innovations in medical imaging.\\
Wells PNT.  Ultrasound imaging.  Phys Med Biol 2006; 51: R83-R98.\\
This review was invited to coincide with the 50th anniversary of “Physics in Medicine and Biology”, one of the most influential journals in the field.\\
Harris RA, Follett DH, Halliwell M, Wells PNT.  Ultimate limits in ultrasonic imaging resolution.  \\
Ultrasound Med Biol 1991; 17: 547-558.\\
This paper combines a review of previously-published data with new results, for the first time coherently establishing the physical constraints in ultrasonic imaging resolution.\\
Wells PNT.  The prudent use of diagnostic ultrasound.   Br J Radiol 1986; 59: 1143-1151.\\
This paper presents the first holistic analysis of the costs and benefits of ultrasonic imaging in medical diagnosis.\\
Taylor KJW, Burns PN, Woodcock JP, Wells PNT.  Blood flow in deep abdominal and pelvic vessels: ultrasonic pulsed Doppler analysis.\\
This paper demonstrates an example of the clinical application of the pulsed-Doppler technique.\\
Wells PNT.  Biomedical Ultrasonics.  London: Academic Press, 1977.\\
Quoting from a review [[Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 1979; 5: 302-303] of this book, “It is unique in its almost encyclopaedic coverage of the subject and thus it is indispensible to the serious student or researcher”.\\
Wells PNT, Halliwell M, Skidmore R, Webb AJ, Woodcock JP.  Tumour detection by ultrasonic Doppler blood-flow signals.  Ultrasonics 1977; 15: 231-232.\\
This paper reports the discovery of the characteristic ultrasonic Doppler signal due to malignant tumour angiogenesis.\\
Mountford RA, Wells PNT.  Ultrasonic liver scanning: the A-scan in the normal and in cirrhosis.  Phys Med Biol 1972; 17: 241-249.\\
This paper is the first report of clinically-significant ultrasonic tissue characterisation.\\
Wells PNT.  A range-gated ultrasonic Doppler system.  Med Biol Engng 1969; 7: 641- 652.\\
This paper is one of three independent and contemporaneous first reports of the feasibility of ultrasonic pulsed-Doppler moving tissue discrimination.