!!Charles Weissmann - Selected References
*E. Flechsig, I. Hegyi, M. Enari, P. Schwarz, J. Collinge and C. Weissmann, Transmission of scrapie by steel-surface-bound prions. Molecular Medicine 7, 679-684 (2001).

*E.Flechsig, I.Hegyi, R.Leimeroth, A.Zuniga, A.Cozzio, P.Schwarz, T.Rülicke, J.Goetz, A.Aguzzi and C.Weissmann, Expression of truncated PrP targeted to Purkinje cells of PrP knockout mice causes Purkinje cell death and ataxia. EMBO J. 22, 3095-3101 (2003).

*P.-C.Kloehn, L.Stoltze, E.Flechsig, M.Enari and C.Weissmann, A quantitative, highly sensitive cell-based infectivity assay for mouse scrapie prions. PNAS, 100:11666-71 (2003).

*L.Anderson, D.Rossi, J.Linehan, S.Brandner and C.Weissmann, Transgene-driven expression of the Doppel protein in Purkinje cells causes Purkinje cell degeneration and motor impairment. PNAS, 101, 3644-49 (2004).
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