!!Marina Warner - Selected Publications
The Dragon Empress: Life and Times of Tz'u-hsi 1835-1908 (1972)\\

Alone of all her sex: the myth and cult of the Virgin Mary (1976)\\

Joan of Arc: The image of female heroism (l982)\\

Monuments and Maidens: The Allegory of the Female Form (1985, winner of the Fawcett Book Prize)\\

The Lost Father (novel, l987)\\

No Go the Bogeyman - On Scaring, Lulling and Making Mock (1988)\\

From the Beast to the Blonde - On Fairy Tales and their Tellers (1994)\\

Indigo (novel,  l992)\\

Managing Monsters: six myths of our time (Reith Lectures, 1994)\\

From the Beast to the Blonde: Fairy tales and their tellers (1994)\\

The Leto Bundle (novel, 2001) \\

Signs & Wonders - Essays on Literature and Culture (2002)\\

Fantastic Metamorphoses, Other Worlds  (Clarendon Lectures, 2002)\\

Phantasmagoria: Spirit Visions, Metaphors, and Media (2006)\\

Stranger Magic: Charmed States and the Arabian Nights (2011, winner of the Sheikh Zayed Book Award and the Truman Capote Award for Literary Criticism)\\

Scheherazade's Children: Global Encounters with the Arabian Nights (ed. with Philip Kennedy, 2012\\

Once Upon a Time: A Short History of Fairy Tale (2014)
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