!!Lianzhou Wang - Biography
Lianzhou Wang is Professor and Australian Research Council (ARC) Australian Laureate Fellow, Director of Nanomaterials Centre, the University of Queensland. He received his PhD degree from Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999. Before joining UQ in 2004, he has worked at two leading national research institutions (NIMS and AIST) of Japan for five years. Since joining UQ, he has  worked as ARC Queen Elizabeth II Fellow (2006), Senior Lecturer (2007), Associate Professor (2010), and Professor (2012-) at UQ. \\
Lianzhou is performing his research at the interface of materials science and nanotechnology with seminal and pioneering work on semiconductor design for clean energy conversion and storage. His latest scientific achievements include the development of new generation quantum dots for record-breaking efficiency solar cells and ultra-stable perovskite composites, which have been reported by >170 news outlets around the world. Wang has published >500 peer-reviewed articles (h-index 106) and delivered >100 plenary/keynote talks, that were cited over 37,500 times (Google Scholar). He was named as the Clarivate’ Highly Cited Researchers in 2019 - 2021.\\
Lianzhou has attracted a large number of research funds from governments and industry, exceeding AUD$50 million. His research has led to 18 patents, with a variety of commercial applications in battery materials (e.g., the Ni-Mn based battery materials from mineral refinery process has been adopted by German refinery CRONIMET Group for scale production) and flexible electronics. \\
Lianzhou is serving as Associate Editor/Editorial Board member of 6 international journals including Advanced Materials (Wiley). He is an expert review member of > 10 funding agencies including the European Science Foundation (ESF). \\
Lianzhou has been working with many researchers from Europe and published >40 high-quality joint papers. He has supervised 80 PhD students/postdoc/visiting researchers including >10 talented scientists from Europe.\\ \\