!!Karen Vogtmann - Curriculum Vitae

[Full CV|http://homepages.warwick.ac.uk/~masmbe/VitaeWarwick.html]\\
*B.A. University of California, Berkeley 1971 \\
*Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley 1977
*University of Warwick, Professor, 9/13 to present \\
*Cornell University\\
*Goldwin Smith Professor of Mathematics Emeritus, 7/15 to present \\
*Goldwin Smith Professor of Mathematics, 7/11 to 7/15\\
*Professor, 1/94 to 7/11\\
*Associate Professor, 7/87 to 12/93\\
*Assistant Professor, 7/85 to 6/87\\
*Visiting Assistant Professor, 9/84 to 6/85 \\
*Columbia University, Assistant Professor, 7/79 to 6/86\\
*Brandeis University, Visiting Assistant Professor, 9/78 to 12/78\\
*University of Michigan, Visiting Assistant Professor, 9/77 to 6/78 and 1/79 to 6/79\\ \\