!!Beáta G. Vértessy - Curriculum Vitae
*1979 - 1984 Budapest University of Technology, Hungary, Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering\\
*1984 - 1987 Graduate fellowship, Hungarian Academy of Sciences \\
*1986 - 1987 Graduate Studies, University of Chicago, USA, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology \\
*1984 M. Sc. (summa cum laude) in Bioengineering, Budapest University of Technology\\
*1987 M.Sc. (summa cum laude) in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chicago\\
*1991 Candidate of Biological Sciences (summa cum laude), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, \\
*1991 Ph. D. in Biological Sciences (summa cum laude) Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary\\
*2001 D. Sc. in Biological Sciences (defense 100%) Hungarian Academy of Sciences
__Publication activities__ 
\\ \\
Over 140 peer-reviewed articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals (in English, cf PubMed, ResearchGate, Google Scholar). Two patents, six patent applications, >50 invited talks at international conferences. \\
H-index: 39, Citations: > 6200 \\
[Publication list|https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=QJodMrMAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate] in Google Scholar \\
__PI activities__\\
Leader of two laboratories ([http://www.biostruct.org])\\
PhD thesis advisor: 21 PhD students have completed PhD degrees, 7 current PhD students ([http://www.doktori.hu/index.php?menuid=192&sz_ID=6064&lang=EN])\\
__Principal Investigator, (selected major grants only)__
*Hungarian basic research grant agency:  funding for 4-year-projects, recent grants are listed below:\\
**OTKA K 109486 2014-2028\\
**OTKA K 119493 2016-2020\\
**OTKA K 135231 2020-2024
__Major International grants__
*Howard Hughes Medical Institutes 2001-2005, and 2006-2010 (renewal)\\
*EU FP6-2003 Lifesci-Health srIN-SILICO N° 012127 2005-2007\\
*EU FP6 Lifesci-Health SPINE2-Complexes LSHG-CT-2006-031220 2006-2009 ([http://www.spine2.eu/partners/index.php])\\
*EU FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2011-1 N° 283570 BioStruct-X 2011-2015\\
*ICGEB (International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology) Project Grant CRP/14/010  2015-2018\\ \\