!!!Boris M. Velichkovsky

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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2019 Chief Scientist, the Kurchatov Complex of NBICS Nature-Like Technologies, Moscow, Russian Federation
*2013 - 2018 Deputy Director for Research at the Complex of NBICS Nature-Like Technologies (responsible for neurocognitive sciences and intellectual systems) , the National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” 
*2013 Professor/lecturer/PI at leading Russian universities (Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technologies), Moscow, Russian Federation
*2012 Emeritus and Senior University-Professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences / Faculty of Psychology, TU Dresden, Germany
*1994 - 2012 University-Professor (with life-long status), Chair of Applied Cognitive Research, Director of the Institute of Work, Organizational and Social Psychology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, TU Dresden, Germany
*1992 - 1994 NSERC-Research Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Canada
*1990 - 1992 DFG-Research Professor (1A) and interim Chairperson, Dept Neuropsychology, Bielefeld University, Germany 
*1988 - 1991 Chair of Psychology and Engineering of Knowledge, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov MSU, Moscow, Russian Fed 
*1976 - 1987  Associate Professor, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov MSU, Moscow, Russian Federation
*1971 - 1976  Assistant Professor, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov MSU, Moscow, Russian Federation
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2015  Igor Kurchatov Prix for outstanding achievements in science and technology. Moscow, Russian Federation
* 2013  Keynote address “Eye-tracking in psychology and human factor engineering: From Yarbus’ suction caps to 
* multimodal fMRI experiments”, the 13th European Congress of Psychology, July 9-12, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden
* 2010   Keynote address “From studying cognitive systems to developing cognitive technologies” to the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia
*  July 2010 Election to the President, Division of Applied Cognitive Psychology and Member of Board of Directors, the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP)
* 2008 Fellowship and Visiting Professorship, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wako-Shi/Tokyo, Japan
* May 2008 Election to the Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies
* 2004-2008 Founding President and Election to the First President, Interregional Association for Cognitive Studies, Russian Federation
* 2002 Keynote address “The century of mind and brain: How Luria’s dream will become a reality” to the 25th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Singapore
* 1999 Fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and Visiting Professorship from University of Tsukuba, Japan
* 1998 - 2002 Election to the President, Division of Applied Cognitive Psychology, the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP)
* 1996 Keynote address “New technological windows into mind: There is more in eyes and brains for human-computer interaction” to the ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) Congress “Human Factors in Computing Systems”, Vancouver, Canada
* 1994  Keynote address “Towards pragmatics of human-robot interaction” to the 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology, Madrid, Spain
* 1992 - 1994 Fellowship, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, and Visiting professorship at the University of Toronto, Canada
* 1992 Keynote address “The levels endeavor in psychology and cognitive science” to the 25th International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium
* 1989 - 1991 Fellowship, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (“Mind and brain”, “Human by nature” and other interdisciplinary projects), Bielefeld University, Germany 
* 1989 - 1990 Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Germany
* 1979 - 1981  Wilhelm Wundt Memorial Professorship from Leipzig University, Germany/GDR
* 1970 - 1971 Konstantin Ushinsky Fellowship from the Ministry of Higher Education of USSR

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Velichkovsky_Boris/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Velichkovsky_Boris/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Velichkovsky_Boris/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Velichkovsky_Boris/OtherInformation]

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