!!Boris M. Velichkovsky - Biography
Boris Velichkovsky graduated in 1971 from Lomonossov Moscow State University (psychology-supervisor Professor Alexander R. Luria) and Humboldt Berlin University (biophysics-supervisor Professor Friedhart Klix). After several steps of academic carrier at Lomonossow MSU, he was in 1979 - 1980 invited to the memorial chair of Wilhelm Wundt at Leipzig University. During this time, the 22nd Internat Congress of Psychology organized in Leipzig triggered his wide scientific collaborations with scientists in Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, USA, and Japan.\\
In the 1980s, Velichkovsky introduced new paradigms of cognitive research to the Russian-speaking scientific community. He was strongly involved in interdisciplinary projects at Bielefeld University, neuropsychological studies at the University of Toronto, applied cognitive research and teaching (associated with administrative duties as a professor and chair) at the Technical University Dresden. He was the founder and the first president of the Division of Applied Cognitive Psychology at International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP). \\
After retiring from the TU Dresden in 2012 as Emeritus and Senior University Professor, he was invited to establish a new institute of cognitive studies at the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” in Moscow. The institute with its 30 members built a basis for the Kurchatov Complex of NBICS technologies, where Velichkovsky now works as the research director of neurocognitive and behavioral studies (Chief Scientist since January 2019).\\
Velichkovsky's research interests include - beyond human cognition in health and disease - imaging methods, mathematical modeling, molecular mechanisms of the human brain and its evolution. He uses and develops new technological applications e.g. the eye-brain-computer interfaces aimed at improving human-robot interaction and computer-supported cooperative work.\\
Velichkovsky is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.\\ \\