!!Lydia Vazquez - Curriculum Vitae
Professor of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Euskadi, Spain. \\
__Specialisms:__ French and comparative literature (Spain/France, Literature/Visual arts); 18th-c. literature; literature and gender; animal studies; libertine literature; literature and eroticism.\\
Literary translator of Cyrano de Bergerac, Marivaux, Rousseau, Diderot, Sade, Baudelaire, Flaubert, Gide, Desnos, Carco, Annie Ernaux, Annie Le Brun, Jean-Baptiste del Amo, Abdellah Taïa, Laurent Petitmangin, Gabrielle Wittkop, Marie-Claire Blais, Fatima Daas... \\
Numerous awards for literary translation\\
Principal investigator, co-director or researcher for various projects or research groups including currently 'L'animal sur scène en France au XXe siècle' (UV, UPV/EHU, UBU, Paris-Sorbonne), P.I. Ignacio Ramos, University of Valencian.\\
Principal investigator of the GIGEF (Grupo de Investigación de Género de Estudios Franceses) research group based at UPV/EHU\\
Organiser of numerous congresses, colloquia, international study days etc. at UPV/EHU on topics in comparative literature, literature and gender, animal studies.\\
Collaborations with museum curators at the Paris Louvre (Guillaume Faroult) and Bilbao Guggenheim\\
Director of special issues of journals: Marivaux moderne et libertin (RSH, 2008), La anécdota, Cédille (2007)\\
Director of Festschrifts forJuli Leal (Himeros, 2010) and Isabel Herrero (UPV/EHU, 2008)\\
Numerous conferences and study days organised in Spain and France.\\
Multiple keynotes in Spain and other European countries.\\
Supervisor of 12 theses, all with top class, most of them international/European joint degrees. 3 thesis supervisions under way.\\
Member of numerous boards (advisory, scientific etc.) for leading Spanish and foreign periodicals.\\
Author of numerous academic publications as well as ones intended for a wider audience on research topics including 18th-c. \\
French literature, women's literature, libertine literature, France and Spain's literary relations etc. \\
__Total number of publications: 245__
*73 on the 18th century\\
*38 relating to gender studies\\
*10 Animal Studies\\
*51 Reception studies France/Spain\\
*40 Critical Editions/Translations\\
*30 Literature and the visual arts\\ \\