!!John Van Opstal - Publications
Current H-index: 46 (Google Scholar), with 6000 citations to his work. 19 of his papers received > 100 citations.\\
A full list of my publications is found at http://www.mbfys.ru.nl/~johnvo/papers.htm \\
__10 major publications:__
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A.J. Van Opstal, K. Hepp, B.J.M. Hess, D. Straumann, and V. Henn: Two-, rather than three-dimensional representation of saccades in monkey superior colliculus.  Science 252: 1313-1315, 1991     IF 29.0       \\

P.M. Hofman, J.G.A. Van Riswick, and A.J. Van Opstal: Relearning Sound Localization with New Ears. Nature Neuroscience, 1: 417-421, 1998                     IF 15.9      (375 citations)\\

M.P. Zwiers, A.J. Van Opstal and G.D. Paige: Plasticity in human sound localization induced by compressed spatial vision. Nature Neuroscience, 6: 175-181, 2003                     IF 15.9            \\

J. Vliegen, T.J. Van Grootel and A.J. Van Opstal: Dynamic sound localization during rapid eye-head gaze shifts. Journal of Neuroscience, 24: 9291-9302, 2004          IF. 8.0       \\

P. Bremen, M.M. Van Wanrooij, and A.J. Van Opstal: Pinna Cues Determine Orienting Response Modes to Synchronous Sounds in Elevation. Journal of Neuroscience, 30:194-204, 2010       IF: 8.0       \\

D.C.P.B.M. Van Barneveld, A.C.M. Kiemeneij, and A.J. van Opstal: Absence of spatial updating when the visuomotor system is unsure about stimulus motion. Journal of Neuroscience, 31: 10558-10568, 2011        IF: 8.0    \\

H.H.L.M. Goossens and A.J. Van Opstal:  Optimal control of saccades by spatial-temporal activity patterns in monkey Superior Colliculus. PLoS Computational Biology 8(5): e1002508, 2012         IF: 6.2  \\

T. Borra, H. Versnel, C. Kemner, A.J. Van Opstal, and R. Van Ee: An octave effect in auditory attention. PNAS 110: 15225-15230, 2013                                       IF: 9.8  \\

R. Massoudi, M.M. Van Wanrooij, H. Versnel, and A.J. Van Opstal: Spectral-temporal response properties of Auditory Cortex neurons  in awake monkey. PLoS One 10(2): e0116118,  2015 IF: 4.3\\

A.J. Van Opstal, J. Vliegen, and T. Van Esch: Reconstructing spectral cues for sound localization from responses to rippled noise stimuli. PloS One 12(3): e0174185, 2017 IF: 4.3\\
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A.J. van Opstal\\
"The Auditory System and Human Sound Localization Behavior."\\
Elsevier Publishers, Academic Press, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, \\
431 pages, ISBN 978-0-12-801529-2 (2016)