!!Jacques Védrine - Curriculum Vitae

*1962 VEDRINE Jacques C.R., Diploma of chemical engineer from "Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Industrielle de Lyon". \\
*1962 - 2019 Researcher at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)\\
*1968 PhD University Claude Bernard, Lyon I.\\Two postdoctoral positions: 1- Varian Associates, Palo Alto, California (Dr J. Hyde 1969-1970) & 2- Chemistry department of Princeton University (Prof. J. Turkevich 1970- 1971 )\\
*1978 - 1988  Head of the group working on metallic oxides (heterogeneous acid-type and partial oxidation catalysis) at “Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse (IRC), Villeurbanne, France\\
*1988 - 1998 Deputy director of IRC.\\
*1998 - 2003 Full Professor of the Chemistry Department of the University of Liverpool, Deputy Director of the “Leverhulme Centre for Innovative Catalysis (LCIC)” and Director of the European Associated Laboratory “High Specificity Catalysis” between CNRS and the University of Liverpool (LCIC-IRC) \\
*1999, CNRS Research Director "exceptional class"\\
*1999 elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, London\\
*2003 - 2005 CNRS Research director “Laboratoire de physico-chimie des surfaces” de l’“Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris” (ENSCP)\\
*2003 - 2005 "Chargé de mission” at the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research\\
*2005 - 2019 Emeritus research director “Laboratoire de Réactivité de Surface"  Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris, France”\\
*1995 - 2005 Responsible for the French-Chinese collaborative programme\\
*1994 - 1997  Elected president of the Catalysis division of the French chemical society \\
*1996 - 2001 Elected member of the french national committee of scientific research \\
*1974 - 1985 active member of the EUROCAT group (~30 european laboratories) sponsored by the “Council of  Europe” in Strasbourg, and working on the standardisation of the characterization of catalytic reactions and catalysts\\
*1997-1998 Elected president of the “European Federation of Catalysis Society” (EFCATS)\\
*2010-2014  Elected president of the international "Acid-Base Group" \\
*2010 Invited visiting professor of the Tsinghua University, Beijing, China\\
*2011 Invited visiting professor of Xiamen University, Xiamen, China\\
*1981-2014 Editor for Europe, Africa and Middle East for Applied Catalysis A: General from Elsevier\\
*Scientific expert with AMOCO in front of the justice court in New York of the fight between Amoco and Mobil concerning the toluene alkylation by methanol to para-xylene on B-ZSM-5/Al2O3 process\\
h index = 49,  ~330 publications in international scientific journals, 11 books on catalysis, 3 books on physical techniques for catalyst characterization, 250 conferences or communications, including 35 plenary lectures and 66 invited and key-note lectures\\
__Scientific interests:__ heterogeneous catalysis (selective oxidation on mixed oxides and polyoxometallates and acid catalysis on zeolites, polyoxometallates, sulfated oxides, etc), combinatorial catalysis and physical techniques of catalyst characterization.\\
*Consultant for national (Rhône-Poulenc, Arkema) and international industrial companies,(AMOCO/Scientific Design-USA, SINTEF-Norway)\\
*Scientific expert in many academic organisations in France and abroad (Belgium , Estonia, European Union, Germany, Israel, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, UK , USA) \\
*Member of editorial boards of international scientific journals (Catalysis Letters, Reaction and kinetics Letters).
*Co-organiser of seven international congresses\\
*Scientifically active and  acting as expert for many scientific journals and scientific organisations worldwide. Recently author of 13 review papers and two books (2012 & 2018) that are key references demonstrating a remarkable and sustained activity at this level of excellence\\ \\