!!Jernej Ule - Curriculum Vitae
*Professor of Molecular Neuroscience, University College London\\
*Head of Laboratory of RNA regulatory networks, The Francis Crick Institute, SE205, London, UK\\
*Head of Laboratory of RNA regulatory networks, The National Institute of Chemistry (NIC), Department of molecular biology and nanobiotehnology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
__Education and Career__  \\
*1/1/2020 - 31/10/2024 Head of Laboratory (25% employment), The National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana \\
*16/08/2016 - 15/02/2025 Group Leader (secondment from UCL), The Francis Crick Institute, London\\
*01/04/2013-permanent  Professor of Molecular Neuroscience (75% employment), UCL, London\\
*01/08/2006 - 31/03/2013 Group Leader, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK\\
*01/01/2005 - 30/07/2006  Postdoctoral fellow with Dr. Darnell, Rockefeller University, New York\\
*11/09/2001 - 31/12/2004   PhD in Molecular Neuroscience, Rockefeller University, New York, sponsored by Robert B. Darnell\\
*01/4/2000 - 10/09/2001 Rotating PhD student, Rockefeller University, New York, sponsored by Paul Greengard and Mary E Hatten\\
*01/07/1997 - 31/09/1997 Visiting student, University of California, San Francisco, sponsored by Matija B. Peterlin\\
*01/10/1995 - 30/11/1999  Bsc in Molecular Biology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, sponsored by Ana Plemenitas
__Editorial Board: Genome Biology__\\
__Review Board:__ Wellcome Expert Review Group, Molecular Basis of Cell Function (2018-2021), EMBO Course Committee (2017-2021)\\
__Journal Referee:__  Reviewed 155 manuscripts for 45 journals (https://publons.com/a/244462/)\\
__Grants Referee:__  European Research Council, Alzheimer Research UK, BBSRC, MRC, Wellcome Trust, Lister awards, Israel Science Foundation, US-Israel Binational Science Foundation, German Research Foundation (DFG), Swiss National Foundation\\
EMBO member since 2016, Academia Europea member since 2021\\ \\