!!Piotr Tryjanowski - Biography
Piotr Tryjanowski focuses on understanding biodiversity mainly in farmland and urban areas. His interest is multidisciplinary, he often collaborates with other researchers, representing his broad view on conservation, ecology, and sociological aspects, like education, citizen sciences, mental health, and birdwatching.\\
Tryjanowski has a good background in climate research and was among the first who use climate models to explain how birds and amphibian populations react to current climate changes. He did a lot of talks on ecology and conservation, including many for the public. International consortia adapted his broad knowledge to work on new problems, including COVID-19.\\
His interest is to better understand how sociological background affects data collected by volunteers (mainly from birdwatchers but also from Internet platforms like Facebook or YouTube) and then guide on more critical use of this kind of data. His work on using Google for data collecting for ecology is rather pioneering. This concept was currently used to develop an idea of how to link citizen science, animals and education.\\ \\