!!Alessandro Treves - Curriculum Vitae
*1974 - 1979 Liceo Classico Michelangiolo, Florence\\
*1979 - 1985 B.A. student at Yale College, then at the Dip Fisica, Univ. Florence, then at the Dip Fisica, Univ La Sapienza of Rome. M.Sc. Thesis on the non-linear Sigma model. Advisor: Guido Martinelli\\
*1985- 1986, 1987 - 1989 PhD student at the Dept Physics, Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem. PhD Thesis on the onset of order in auto-associative networks. Advisor: Daniel J Amit\\
*87-88 participant in the interdisciplinary program in Physics & Neuroscience at the Inst for Adv Studies, Hebrew Univ\\
*1989 - 1992 post-doc at the Dept Expl Psychology, Univ Oxford, in the lab of Edmund T Rolls\\
*1992 - present at SISSA as Research Fellow, from 2000 as Assoc Prof, from 2006 as full Professor
*1999 - 2002 Director of the EU Advanced Course in Computational Neuroscience, in Trieste and in Obidos\\
*2000 - 2001, 2010 - 2011 Coordinator of the Cognitive Neuroscience Sector of SISSA\\
*01 (4 mo) invited participant at the workshop on neural networks held of the Inst Theor Physics, Univ California, Santa Barbara\\
*02 (3 mo) HFSP visiting fellow with the lab of Bruce L McNaughton at the Univ of Arizona, Tucson\\
*2003 - 2004 visiting professor at the Gonda Brain Center, Bar Ilan Univ, Israel to give an intensive 4-week, 48-hour course on the evolution of neuronal computation\\
*2003 - 2005 invited professor at the Institute for Physics and Mathematics, Tehran, Iran, to give two intensive 4-day (in 2003) and 3-week (in 2005) courses in the School of Cognitive Science, on the evolution of neuronal computation\\
*2003 - 2009 on 3 review panels of the German BMBF "Understanding Thought" initiative for the allocation of overall 93 MEuro to centers and projects in computational and cognitive neuroscience in Germany\\
*2006 - 2010 member of the HFSP review committee in Strasbourg\\
Invited stays at KITP UCSBarbara; U of Arizona; Bar Ilan Univ; IPM Tehran; Scuola Galileiana, Padua; Am Univ Beirut; the Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche; SNS Pisa; Kim Il Sung Univ, Pyonyang; Ecole Normale Superieure Paris; MILA Center, Tel Aviv Univ\\ \\