!!Anna Tramontano
[Obituary|https://erc.europa.eu/news/memoriam-%E2%80%93-anna-tramontano] by [Jean-Pierre Bourguignon|Member/Bourguignon_Jean-Pierre], ERC President – on behalf of the ERC Scientific Council
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!Curriculum vitae

[CV|http___www.sns.it_scuola_istituzionale_organidicontrollo_valutazioneinterna_download_Anna_Tramontano_2012.pdf] (2012)
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*since 2001 	Professor of Biochemistry,  University of Rome "La Sapienza"
*2004 - 2010 	Director of the Bioinformatics Program, CRS4, Pula (CA)
*1996 - 2001 	Director of the Computational Biology and Chemistry Department at  IRBM (Merck Research Laboratories in Pomezia, Rome) and Director of Information Technology and Research Information Systems at IRBM and Professor of Chimica Computazionale II at the University of Naples
*1994/95 	Director of Biocomputing Unit of IRBM
*1990/93 	Biocomputing Group Leader at  IRBM and Professor of Bioinformatics at the University of Milan
*1988/90 Staff member of the European Laboratory for Molecular Biology in Heidelberg (D) in the Biocomputing Programme
*1987 	Research fellow at International Institute of Genetics and Biophysics in Naples
*1985/86 	Consultant for Biosym Technologies Inc., San Diego, CA, USA
*1984/85 	Post-doctoral research fellow at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the University of California, San Francisco (USA)
*1981/84 	Research fellow at the International Institute of Genetics and Biophysics in Naples
*1980 	Laurea in Physics, summa cum laude, at the University of Naples
__Memberships and awards__
*Member of the ERC Scientific Council (2011-)
*Tartufari Prize (2010)
*Academia Europaea (2009 -)
*KAUST Global Research Partnership award 2008
*EMBO fellowship committee (2008 - 2012)
*Chair of the ERC LS2 panel (2008-2010)
*Member of Commissione Innovazione of Sapienza University
*Member of the Elixir steering committee and Italian Ministry delegate
*Premio Minerva per la ricerca scientifica 2005
*Premio speciale della cultura per le Scienze Naturali della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri 2002
*Marotta Prize 2001 - National Academy of Science
*EMBO member (1993 - )
*Accademia Medica Romana
*Chair of the Advisory Board of IIMCB in Warsaw
*Member of the Scentific Board of INGM in Milan
*Member of the Nucleo di Valutazione of the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa
*Chair of the Advisory Board of the MPI for Molecular Genetics, Berlin (2008 -)
*Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics Advisory Board (2009 -)
*Scientific Advisory Board of the Centro Nacional de  Biotecnología (2009 -)
*European Molecular Biology Laboratory Scientific Advisory Committee (2006-2011)
*Scientific Council of Institute Pasteur - Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti (2002 -)
*Scientfic Advisory Board of the University of Zurich Research Priority Program "Systems biology/Functional Genomics"
*ISCB Board of directors (2001-)
*ISCB Vice president (2002-2005)
*Chair of the steering committee of the European Conference on Computational Biology
*European Boinformatics Institute (EBI) Advisory Committee (2007 -)
*Associate Editor of Bioinformatics
*Associate Editor of Proteins
*Scientific Editor of Plos ONE (2011-)
*Editor of BBRC (2011-)
*Associate Editor of Current Opinion in Structural Biology
*Advisory Editorial Board of EMBO Journal and EMBO Reports (2007-2008)
*Editorial Board The FEBS Journal (2000-2011)
*Assessor for comparative modelling in CASP4 and CASP5
*Co-organizer CASP
*Organizer ECCB08, Cagliari (I)
*ECCB Steering Committee
*ISMB Program Committee (1997-2004)
*ISMB 2001 organising Committee
*ISMB/ECCB 2004 Steering Committee
*ECCB 2006 Steering Committee
*BioSapiens Network of Excellence Steering Committee (2003 - 2009)
*FEBS Publication Committee (2006 -2008)
*Societa' Italiana di Biochimica
*Societa' Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare
*Societa' Italiana di Chimica
*Societa' Italiana di Bioinformatica
__Other activities (partal list)__
*Director: Master in Bioinformatica: Applicazioni biomediche e farmaceutiche (2002-2010)
*Director: Master in Tecnologie Bioinformatiche applicate alla Medicina personalizzata, Consorzio21 Pula, Cagliari (2004-2005)
*Organizer: EMBO Sectoral Meeting in Bioinformatics 2004
*Organizer: Permanent European School in Bioinformatics
*Organizer: 1st ESF training course on Molecular Interactions, Verona, Italy, 2002
*Organizer: 2nd ESF training course on Molecular Interactions, Verona, Italy, 2002
*Organiser: Third European Workshop in Drug Design, Siena, Italy, 2001
*Organiser: Euroconference on Protein Folding and Structure Prediction, Torino, Italy, 1998
*Organiser: Second European Workshop in Drug Design, Siena, Italy, 1998
*Organiser: FEBS Practical Course Frontiers of Protein Structure Prediction, IRBM ,Rome, Italy, 1997
*Organiser: EMBO Symposium on Structural Biology, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany, 1997
*Organiser: Practical Course Frontiers of Protein Structure Prediction, IRBM ,Rome, Italy 1995
*Co-organiser: First European Workshop in Drug Design, Cortona, Italy, 1995
__Invited to give seminars / lectures / conferences in__
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Argentina (Buenos Aires), Australia (Canberra, Lorne), Brasil (Rio de Janeiro), Canada (Québec), Croatia (Rovinj), Cuba (Havana), Denmark (Copenaghen), Finland (Turku, Tromso), France (Paris, Strasbourg), Germany (Munchen, Heidelberg, Braunschweig, Saarbrucken, Hamburg), Greece (Eraklion), India (Lucknow, Madurai), Israel (Eilat), Kenia (Nairobi), Mali (Bamako), Netherlands (Amsterdam, Njemegen), Norway (Oslo), Portugal (Oeiras), Russia (Moscow, Puschino), Saudi Arabia (Jeddah), South Africa (Pretoria),  Slovenia (Portoroz, Ljubjana), Spain (Madrid, Barcellona, La Coruna), Sweden (Stockholm, Uppsala), Switzerland (Ascona, Fribourg), Turkey (Istanbul, Antalya), UK (London., Oxford, Cambridge, Glasgow, Cardiff, Dover), USA (Asilomar, San Diego, Seattle, New York), Italy (all major cities).