!!Jacques Touret - Curriculum vitae

__Personal details__
*Name: 	Jacques Léon Robert TOURET (J.L.R. Touret or J. Touret)
*Date & Birthplace: January 2, 1936,  08-Fumay (Ardennes), France; French citizen, Former Dutch resident
*Work address :  Work at home
*Mail : ljtouret@icloud.com
*Private:  121, Rue de la Réunion, 75020 Paris (France)
* Langages : French (Mother), Dutch and English (Active and Passive), German and Norvegian (Passive)
*1953: Baccalauréat (Math Elem., B ), Lycée Chanzy, 08-Charleville-Mézières
*1954-5: Préparation Agro, Lycée Faidherbe Lille (Reçu Agro Paris and ENSG Nancy, opte pour Nancy)
*1958: Licencié  es Sciences, Université de Nancy
*1958: Ingénieur-Géologue, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie Appliquée et de Prospection Minière de Nancy
*1969: Docteur es Sciences (Doctorat d'Etat), Université de Nancy, Mention Trés Honorable, Félicitations du Jury), Promotors: Prof. M. Roubault (Nancy) and T.F.W. Barth (Oslo): Le socle Précambrien de Norvège Méridionale)
*Major scientific activity: Petrology and Geochemistry (Metamorphic rocks, Fluid inclusions), History of Science (Geology)
__Present position__
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Retired- Work at home
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__Previous appointments__
*1958-1964: Assistant, ENSG Nancy
*1964-1969: Maitre Assistant, ENSG Nancy
*1969-1974: Maitre de Conférences, Professeur sans chaire, Université de Nancy I
*1974: Visiting Research Scientist, Department of Geosciences, Yale University, New Haven-Cn, USA
*1974-1980: Professeur sans chaire, Université de Paris 7, France. 1994- 1998 : Professeur Associé à Statut Temporaire (PAST), Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
*1980-2001: Full Professor of Petrology, Mineralogy, Ore Geology, Department of Petrology and Isotope Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Free University Amsterdam (emeritus : Jan. 2001)
__Other professional activities__
*1963-1964: Military Service (Génie de l'Air, Capitaine de Réserve)
*1978-1980: Chargé de Mission, Secteur TOAE, CNRS (France)
*1980- present : Correspondant, Museum Histoire Naturelle, Paris
__Other appointments__
*Member of boards, committees: AWON (NWO) (1984-1993)
*Dutch Committee of the International Lithosphere Program (1987- present)
*ARA (Academische Raad der Aardwetenschappen) (1990-1997)
*Commissie voor Aardrijkskunde, Aardkunde, Delfstofkunde, NFWO, Belgium (1990-1997), 
*Member of the Board: European Union of Geoscientists (1992-1994), Grundungskomittee und Wissenschaftliches Beirat, GeoForschung Zentrum Postdam, Germany (1993-1997)
*Member of the Board: Dutch Research School of Geology (NSG) (1993-1998)
*Royal Dutch Academy of  Arts and Sciences (KNAW) (1996-1999)
*Member of learned societies (past or present): Société Géologique de France, Société française de Minéralogie et Cristallographie, Royal Dutch Society of  Geology and Mining Geology (KNGMG), Society of Economic Geology (USA)
*Member of COFRHIGEO (French Comittee for the History of Geology), Representative member (for the Netherlands) of INHIGEO (International Association for the History of Geology)
Academic Awards, Nominations, Distinctions__
*1970: Prix Carrière, Académie des Sciences, Paris.
*1990: Chevalier, Ordre National du Mérite, France.
*1992: Médaille André H. Dumont (Société Géologique de Belgique)
*1996: Van Waterschoot van der Gracht Penning (KNGMG and RGD,The Netherlands)
*1995-present: Foreign member of the  Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, Norway
*1995-present: Member Academia Europea
*1988-present: Member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Afdeling Natuurkunde, Sectie Aardwetenschappen
__Associate editor, member of the editorial board of scientific journals (selected list)__ \\
''In the past''\\
*Bulletin Société Géologique de France(1974)
*Bulletin Société Française de 	Minéralogie et Cristallographie (1975-1977)
*Lithos (1980-2007)
*Sciences Géologiques (Strasbourg) (1980-2000)
*Geologie en Mijnbouw(1986-1995) 
*Ore Geology Reviews (1988-1995)
*Géologie (Bruxelles, Belgique) (1992-1999)
*Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris (1993-2000)
*C.R. Geoscience, Paris (Editor in chief, 2001-2009)
*Associate (Managing) Editor, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (1974-2006)
__Present activities__
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Research on fluids in lower crust and mantle, history of geology (petrography, mineralogy) (through COFRHIGEO, French Commission on the history of Geology)
Publication list: see Jacques L.R. Touret Homepage (annales.org)