!!Alain Touraine - Selected publications
__A selection of the most recently published books__
*2006 – Le Monde des femmes (‘The World of Women’), Paris: Fayard.
*2005 – Un débat sur la laďcité (‘A Debate about laicity’), with Alain Renaut, Paris: Stock, Les essais.
*2005 – Un nouveau paradigme pour comprendre le monde d'aujourd'hui.(‘A new paradigm for understanding the world of today’), Paris: Fayard. (Translated into Spanish (Paidós, 2005).
*2004 – Conocimiento e identidad. Voces de grupos culturales en la investigación social (‘Knowledge and Identity: Voices of Cultural Groups in Social Research’), Alain Touraine, Michel Wieviorka, Ramón Flecha et al., Barcelona: El Roure ed.
*2002 – Barbarie et progrčs (‘Barbarism and progress’) (complete edition of the “Noms de Dieux” interviews by Edmond Blattchen), Liege: Alice Éditions.
*2000 – La recherche de soi. Dialogue sur le Sujet (‘The Search for Self. Dialogues with the Subject’), with Farhad Khosrokhavar, Paris: Fayard. (Translated into Portuguese (Instituto Piaget, 2001), Brazilian Portuguese (Ed. Bertrand Brasil, 2001, 2004), Spanish (Ed. Paidós, 2002), Italian (Il Saggiatore, 2003), new edition in Livre de Poche, 2005.
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