!!Gianni Toniolo

[Obituary|https://www.univiu.org/viu-life/news-archive/2348-gianni-toniolo-1942-2022], Venice International University\\
[Obituary|https://cepr.org/about/news/gianni-toniolo-obituary], Giovanni Federico, Stephen Broadberry and Kevin O’Rourke, CEPR\\
[Obituary|https://econ.duke.edu/news/duke-economics-remembers-gianni-toniolo], Duke University
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!Curriculum vitae\\
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2007 - Senior Fellow, LUISS School of European Political Economy and professor of economic history
2014-	  Research Professor of Economics and History, emeritus, Duke University, Durham, N.C. (USA).
1986-  Research Fellow, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London.
2007-  Consultant, Bank of Italy Economic History Research Division
1983-  OP ED contributor Il Sole 24 Ore (Italy’s leading financial daily, since 1865)
1989 - Member of the Academia Europaea, Cambridge, UK
Senior Common Room Member, St.Antony's College, Oxford
2018 - Corresponding Member Istituto Veneto di Scienze, lettere ed arti (Venice)
2019 - Board of Directors, Unicredit Foundation, Milan (Italy)
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1996 to 2013	Research Professor of Economics and History, Duke University, 				Durham, N.C. (USA).
1996 to 2007 	Professor of Economics, Università di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’, Rome (Italy).
1986 to 1996	Professor of Economics, Ca’ Foscari, The University of Venice, Italy.
1987 to 1991	Chair, Economics Department, Ca' Foscari, The University of Venice, Italy.
1972 to 1986	Associate Professor of Economic History, Ca' Foscari, The University of Venice, Italy.
1969 to 1972	Assistant Professor of Economics, Ca' Foscari, The University of Venice. Italy
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1960	"Maturità classica" 
1966	Laurea degree in economics (doctor of economics) "summa cum laude" at the University of Venice Italy.  Title of Dissertation: " Patterns of Growth and Italy's Economic Development,1861-1965" (supervisor: Prof. Innocenzo Gasparini).
1967-68	Post-doctoral Research Fellow, the Economic History Workshop, Harvard University  (supervisor: Prof. Alexander Gerschenkron).
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1999- 2003 Visiting Professor of Economic History, Free University of Bozen, Italy.
1994 		Visiting Professor of Economics and International Studies, Duke University, 		Durham, North Carolina, USA.
1993-94 	Visiting Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford, UK.
1991 		Visiting Professor of Economics, University of California at Berkeley, USA.
1983 		Visiting Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, 		Tokyo, Japan.
1980-90   	Associate Fellow, St. Antony's College, Oxford, UK.
1977-80  	Senior Associate Member, St. Antony's College, Oxford, UK.
1971-72 	Visiting Lecturer, Istituto Adriano Olivetti Post-Graduate Program, Ancona, Italy.
1970-71 	Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, 		Connecticut, USA.
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4.1 Editorial
1975-1980	Assistant Editor, Ricerche Economiche, (Ca’Foscari University, Venice)
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1984- 2017 Editor, Rivista di Storia Economica
1983-1990	Editorial Board, Explorations in Economic History (Academic Press).
1985-1998	Editorial Board, Revista de Historia Economica, (Alianza Editorial, Madrid).
1990 - Co-editor (with T. Bianchi, P.Ciocca, M.Onado), "Storia di banche" (History of Banks) a Laterza (Rome) series.
2000 – 2014 Co-editor (with Paul Johnson, Sheilagh Oglivie, Avner Offer, Gavin  G. Wright) "Cambridge Studies in Modern Economic History", a Cambridge University Press series
Other past editorial board meberships
"Industrial and Corporate Change" (Oxford University Press).
“European Economic History Review” (Cambridge University Press)
"Journal of Modern Italian Studies" (Routledge)
"Jahrbuch fur Wirtschaftsgeschichte" (Frankfurt/Main)
“Revue Economies et Societès”, Serie “Histoire Economique Quantitative” (CNRS, Paris)
“Bulletin of Economic Research” (Blackwell)
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4.2. Boards and Committees
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1986-93	Author and consultant, Historical Research Division, The Bank of Italy.
1986-93	Author and consultant, Historical Research Division, The Bank of Italy.
1990-93	Member, Coordinating Committee, European Science Foundation Network on the "European Economy Between the Wars" (with C.H. Feinstein and P.Temin)
1990-99	Member, Academic Advisory Council, European Association for Banking History, Frankfurt, Germany.
1994- 2006     Executive Vice President, Fondazione di Venezia, Venice.
1994-97	President, European Historical Economics Society.
1995-1999     	Project Manager and first Dean, Venice International University.
1997- 2002     Board of Trustees, European Historical Economics Society.
1997- 2001      Chair, Program Committee, Mattioli Memorial Lectures (Milan, Italy) 
1999	Consultant, Historical Research Division, The Bank of Italy.
1999- 2013    Board of Directors, Venice International University.
2002- 2009     Executive Committee International Economic History Association
2004		     Consultant, Bank for International Settlements (Basel, Switzerland)
2007 – 2018   Supervisory Board, Fondazione di Venezia, Venice
2008 – 2017   Supervisory Board, MANUTENCOP, SpA, Bologna
2008- 2012     Board of Directors, NESTING Ltd., Venice (Chairman)
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4.2  Relevant International Research Projects
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2007 -10     	Coordinator, Marie Curie /CEPR  Network “Transnationality of Migrants” 			(European Commission) 
1998-99		Co-Convenor, German-American Academic Council, Young Scholars’ 			Program Institutions and Economic Growth in Post-War advanced 				Economies, Berlin & Palo Alto
1992-93		Co-director (with N.Crafts), CEPR Research Project on "Comparative 	Experience of Economic Growth in Postwar Europe".
1990-91		Co-ordinating Committee, European Science Foundation Network, "The 			European Economy Between the Wars".
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1967	"Stringher Scholarship" awarded by the Bank of Italy.
1978	Wolfson Foundation Fellowship.
1977	NATO Senior Fellowship.
1983	Japan Foundation Fellowship.
2005	Menichella Prize
2011	Tartufari Prize for research excellence awarded by the Italian Academy of 	Sciences (Lincei)