!!Matthias M. Tischler - Biography
Prof. Tischler studied Classical Philology and Medieval Latin, Medieval and Modern History, Applied Historical Sciences and Romance Philology at the Universities of Heidelberg and Munich (1989 - 1995). He obtained his PhD in Heidelberg (1998; director: Walter Berschin). After holding PostDoc positions at Paris, Erlangen and Bamberg, he was an Assistant Professor at Frankfurt/Main (2001 - 2009). In Frankfurt he then studied Philosophy and Theology (2001 - 2009) with Rainer Berndt, and Islam and Christian-Muslim Encounters (2003 - 2005) with Christian Troll. After his habilitation at Dresden (2008/2009; director: Gert Melville), he was an Associate Professor of Medieval and Transcultural History at the Technical University of Dresden (2009 - 2012), Senior Research Fellow at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) (2013 - 2014) and Research Group Leader at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (IMAFO) in Vienna (2015 - 2016). He was a Visiting Professor of the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris (2015) and a Senior Research Fellow at the Medieval Institute of the University of Notre Dame, USA (2016). In 2016 he accepted a position as a Research Professor at ICREA (Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats) at the Department of Ancient and Medieval Studies/IEM (UAB) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, which he has held since January 1, 2017.\\
__Full CV and full publication list are available under the following homepages:__\\
*ICREA: [https://www.icrea.cat/Web/ScientificStaff/matthias--m.-tischler-241684]\\
*Academia.edu: [https://icrea.academia.edu/MatthiasMartinTischler]\\
*Wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthias_M._Tischler]\\ \\