!!André Thomashausen - Selected publications
A Constituição de Angola de 2010 no Contexto do Constitucionalismo em África, Lusíada. Política Internacional e Segurança. Séries: 1 No: 5 (2011), pp 11-27, Lisboa (Portugal).\\
“Constitutional Power and Legitimacy in the Political Evolution of Southern Africa”, in: Lusíada. Política Internacional e Segurança. Séries: 1 No: 3 (2010), pp 454-61, Lisboa (Portugal).\\
“The ‘War on Terror’ in International Law and State Practice in Africa” in: 32 (2007) South African Yearbook of International Law, pp 85-105.\\
“Private International Law in Africa” in: International and Comparative Law Review, Beijing, PRC vol 10(2) 2006.\\
 “Constitutional Law in Extreme Emergencies”, in: Bröhmer et al, ed, Internationale Gemeinschaft und Menschenrechte - Festschrift für Georg Ress, Heymanns - Köln, Berlin, München 2005, pp 1295-1304.\\
“The enforcement and recognition of judgments and other forms of legal cooperation in the SADC”, vol.  XXXV (2002) No 1 Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa – CILSA, pp 21-32.\\
 “Preventive Diplomacy in the Mozambique Transition”, in: H Solomon, ed, Towards Sustainable Peace: Reflections on Preventive Diplomacy in Africa, Pretoria (Africa Institute of South Africa), 2003, pp270-309.\\
 "Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Südafrika", pp. 163-188, in: Das Grundgesetz im Prozess Europäischer und Globaler Verfassungsentwicklung, U Battis, P Kunig, I Pernice, A Randelzhofer, ed., Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden Baden 2000.\\
"Portugal", in: Frank Wende, Ed., Lexikon zur Geschichte der Parteien in Europa, Stuttgart (Kröner) 1981, pp 495-516.\\
Verfassung und Verfassungswirklichkeit im neuen Portugal, Berlin 1981 (Duncker & Humblot, Bd. 84 "Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel") 503 pp.