!!Päivi Törmä - Curriculum Vitae
__Education and degrees__                                                                    \\
*1996	Ph.D., University of Helsinki, Finland (S. Stenholm) \\
*1993	Master of Advanced Study (Part III Tripos in Math), University of Cambridge, U.K. \\
*1991       M.Sc., University of Oulu, Finland \\
*1988	High School, Laudatur (36/36)
__Previous professional appointments and major grants__
*2017 	Academy Professor of Academy of Finland\\
*2015 	ETH Zürich, invited guest professor (3.5 months)\\
*2013 	ERC Advanced Grant\\
*2005 	EURYI award (EUROHORCs/ESF)\\
*2001 - 2007 	University of Jyväskylä, Finland, professor \\
*2000 - 2001 	Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, Academy Fellow \\
*1997 - 1999 	University of Innsbruck, Austria, EU Marie Curie fellow (P. Zoller) \\
*1996 - 1997 	University of Ulm, Germany, postdoc (W.P. Schleich) \\
*< 1996		University of Helsinki, University of Oulu, Finland, researcher \\
__Career breaks__ 	
*Maternity leaves: 3 months 2002 and 5 months 2006\\
__Leadership and major positions of trust__
*Director of the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in Computational Nanoscience (COMP) 2013 - 2017 \\
*Chair of the Millenium Techology Prize International Selection Committee 2017- \\
*Member of the Research and Innovation Council of Finland, chaired by the Prime Minister 2007 - 2011, 2011 - 2015 \\
*Academy of Finland, Vice chair of the board 2010 - 2012, 2013 - 2014\\
*Director of the Nanoscience Center at the University of Jyväskylä 2002 - 2005 
__Other positions of trust (selected examples)__
*Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) Award committee member 2013\\
*Advisory Board of Villum Centre of Excellence QUSCOPE, University of Århus (director Prof. Klaus Molmer)\\
*Member of the board of the FinNano Nanotechnology research programme of TEKES, Finland, 2005 - 2010\\
*Member of the board of the European Group on Atomic Systems (EGAS) of the European Physical Society (EPS) 2013\\
*Management Committee member of the COST actions CA16221 Quantum Technologies with Ultra-Cold Atoms 2017\\
*2021 and MP1403 Nanoscale Quantum Optics 2014 - 2018\\
*Editorial Advisory Board member in ACS Photonics 2018 - 2020\\
*Guest editor for the New Journal of Physics Focus Issue on Quantum Transport in Ultracold Atoms\\
Developed and lectured six lecture courses (Electronics I, Physics of Optical Communications Networks, Optoelectronics, Quantum Optics, Quantum Physics, Frontiers of Quantum Gas Research (at ETH Zürich))\\
__Invited talks__ \\
*91 invited talks at conferences and 58 invited talks at seminars and colloquia \\
*Selected plenary, keynote and invited talks at conferences in 2020\\
*Nuclear Physics Meets Condensed Matter: Symmetry, Topology, and Gauge, ECT*, Trento, Italy 2020 (keynote talk)\\
*Exploring quantum many-body physics with ultracold atoms and molecules, Bad Honnef, Germany (2020)\\
*Condensates of Light, Leiden, Netherlands 2020\\
*METANANO 2020, Tbilisi, Georgia 2020 (plenary talk)
__Organizing conferences (selected examples)__   \\
*Chair 2021 and vice chair 2019 of the Scientific Committee of the “Bose-Einstein Condensation Frontiers in Quantum Gases” conference, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain.\\
*Member of the program committee of 10th International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitonic Systems \\
*(ICSCE), Melbourne, Australia, 2020\\ \\