!!Dick Swaab - Selected Publications
Alkemade, A., Bazin, P.L., Balesar, R., Pine, K., Kirilina, E., Moller, H.E., Trampel, R., Kros, J.M., Keuken, M.C., Bleys, R.L.A.W., Swaab, D.F., Herrler, A., Weiskopf, N., and Forstmann, B.U. A unified 3D map of microscopic architecture and MRI of the human brain. Science Advances 8 (2022) eabj7892 (IF14.14).\\
Schoonderwoerd, R.A., de Rover, M., Janse, J.A.M., Hirschler, L., Willemse, C.R., Scholten, L., Klop, I., van Berloo, S., van Osch, M.J.P., Swaab, D.F., and Meijer, J.H. The photobiology of the human circadian clock. PNAS 119 (2022) e2118803119 (IF 11.2). \\
Shan, L., Balesar, R., Swaab, D.F., Lammers, G.J., and Fronczek, R. Reduced numbers of Corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons in Narcolepsy type 1. Annals of Neurology 91 (2022) 282-288 (10.42).\\
Cheng, L., Xu, C., Wang, L., An, D., Jiang, L., Zheng, Y., Xu, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, K., Wang, X., Zhang, X., Bao, A.M., Zhou, Y., Yang, J., Duan, S., Swaab, D.F., Hu, W., and Chen, Z. Histamine H1 receptor deletion in cholinergic neurons induces sensorimotor gating ability deficit and social impairments in mice. Nature Communications 12 (2021) 1142 (IF 14,9).\\
Fang, Q., Xicoy, H., Shen, J., Luchetti, S., Dai, D., Zhou, P., Qi, X.R., Martens, G.J.M., Huitinga, I., Swaab, D.F., Liu, C., and Shan, L. Histamine-4 receptor antagonist ameliorates Parkinson-like pathology in the striatum. Brain Behavior and Immunity 92 (2021) 127-138 (IF 19.2).\\
Qin, X.Y., Shan, Q.H.,Fang, H., Wang, Y., Chen, P., Xiong, Z.Q., Swaab, D.F., and Zhou, J.N. PSD-93 up-regulates the synaptic activity of corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons in the paraventricular nucleus in depression. Acta Neuropathologica 142 (2021) 1045-1064 (IF 17.1).\\
Lucassen, P.J., Toni, N., Kempermann, G., Frisen, J., Gage, F.H., and Swaab, D.F. Limits to human neurogenesis-really? Molecular Psychiatry 25 (2020) 2207-2208(IF 13.38).\\
Hogenboom, R., Kalsbeek, M.J., Korpel, N.L., de Goede, P., Koenen, M., Buijs, R.M., Romijn, J.A., Swaab, D.F., Kalsbeek, A., and Yi, C.X. Loss of arginine vasopressin- and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-containing neurons and glial cells in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia 62 (2019) 2088-2093 (IF 10.22) \\
Zhao, J., Lucassen, P.J., and Swaab, D.F. Suicide is a confounder in postmortem studies on depression. Biological Psychiatry 86 (2019) e33-e40 (IF 13.38). \\
Thannickal, T.C., John, J., Shan, L., Swaab, D.F., Wu, M.F., Ramanathan, L., McGregor, R., Chew, K.T., Cornford, M., Yamanaka, A., Inutsuka, R., Fronczek, R., Lammers, G.J., Worley, P.F., and Siegel, J.M. Opiates increase the number of hypocretin-producing cells in human and mouse brain and reverse cataplexy in a mouse model of narcolepsy. Science Translational Medicine 10 (2018) eaao4953 (IF 17.96).\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit dswaab}][{ALLOW upload dswaab}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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