!!Sauro Succi - Curriculum Vitae
__Keywords:__   Statistical and computational physics, fluid dynamics, kinetic theory, quantum fluids, high-performance computing\\
__Permanent affiliation:__ Director of Research , Istituto Applicazioni Calcolo CNR, Roma, Italy\\
__Other affiliations:__  Physics Department, Harvard Univ. (2000-current), Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (2009-2013). \\
__Education: __ 1979, Degree in nuclear engineering (cum laude), Univ. of Bologna; 1987 PhD in Physics, EPF Lausanne.\\
__Research activity:__ Nearly 350 papers in scientific journals and 80 in Conference Proceedings.\\
8000+ ISI citations, (h=45) and over 17500 Google Scholar citations (h=54).  \\
Over hundred invited presentations, including major plenary talks, all over the world.\\
__Main Honors:__ APS Fellow (1999), A. von Humboldt Award (2002), Killam Award (2005), \\
Distinguished Annual Lecture, Leicester, (2006), Raman Chair (2011), Bhatnagar Memorial lecture (2014, declined),\\
Weston Chair (2015)  \\
Dr Succi belongs to the list of Top Italian Scientists (http://www.topitalianscientists.org/Top_italian_scientists_VIA-Academy.aspx)\\
__Didactical activity:__ Many series of lectures on the Lattice Boltzmann method in most European countries, USA and Asia. \\
Graduate courses on Computational Physics at Scuola Normale di Pisa (1998-2006) and \\
Harvard University (2008-2009, 2014-open) \\
__Professional Services:__\\
Associate Editor of:  EPL, Physica A, J. Stat. Mech: Theory and Experiment, Int. J. Mod. Phys C, J. of Scientific Computing. Frontiers in Physics, J. of Computational Science, Commun. in Comp. Phys. \\
Referee for over 80 scientific journals.\\
Member of the Core Group of PESC (Physics-Engineering Sciences Committe) of the European \\
Science Foundation (2008-2012) and Scientific Review Group (2012-current).