!!Peter Strasser - Curriculum Vitae
*1988 - 1995 Tübingen University, Germany: Undergraduate and Graduate studies in Chemistry \\
*1991  Stanford University, USA, Department of Chemistry –  Scholarship, Prof. John Ross, Physical Chemistry\\
*1992   Universita degli Studi di Pisa, Italy, Dipartimento di Chimica –  Scholarship, Prof. Dr. Fausto Calderazzo, Inorganic Chemistry\\
*1995   “Diplom” (MSc) degree in Physical Chemistry (Master of Science), Tübingen  University, Germany\\
*1995 - 1999 Fritz-Haber-Institute of Max-Planck-Society, Berlin, Germany:  Doctoral Studies in Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry under supervision of Prof. Gerhard Ertl
__SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES - Conferences (since 2016)__
*Co-Organizer of the “Low Temperature Water Electrolysis” symposia series at the spring annual meetings of The Electrochemical Society, USA\\
*2009 - present  Co-Organizer of the “Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers” PEFC&E symposia series at the annual fall meetings of The Electrochemical Society, USA\\
*Chair Organizer of international German Chemical Society (GDCH) “Electrochemistry 2022” meeting in Berlin\\
*Chair of German Chemical Society (GDCH), Berlin section, Lecture series, since 2019\\
*Chair Organizer of international Symposium “Bridging the divide between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis” at Materials Research Society (MRS) fall meeting 2019, Boston USA, \\
*Chair Organizer of Symposium Solar Fuels at 100th IUPAC conference, 7-12. July 2019, Paris, France\\
*Chair Organizer, “SolarFuel16”, International Conference on Semiconductor and Photoelectrochemistry, 5/6.9.2016 Berlin
*Mentor DexLeChem GmbH, 2008-2010 [http://www.dexlechem.com/home_en] \\
*Mentor LiquidLoop GmbH, [https://www.liquidloop.eu]\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit pstrasser}][{ALLOW upload pstrasser}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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