!!Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger - Curriculum Vitae
*1974  Abitur\\
*1974-1980 Study at the University of Köln, subjects: German Studies, History, History of Art\\
*1980  First state examination,  subjects: History, German Studies\\
*1985  Doctorate (Medieval and Modern History, Ancient History, German Philology), doctoral thesis: "Der Staat als Maschine" (The State as a Machine. Studies on the Metaphors of Absolute Monarchy) \\
*1994  Post-doctoral degree (Habilitation) at the University of Köln  (Modern History)  Thesis: "Vormünder des Volkes? Theorien landständischer Repräsentation vom Westfälischen Frieden bis zum Ende des Alten Reiches" („Guardians of the People? Theories of Estate Representation from the Peace of Westphalia to the End of the Old Empire”)\\
__Professional Career:__
*1982-1990 Assistant at the Historical Institute of University of Cologne\\
*1991-1992 Reentrance Grant of the Special University  Programme of the Ministry of University Education North Rhine-Westphalia\\
*1996  Assistant Professor at the Historical Institute of the University of Cologne\\
*1997  Full Professor of Modern History at the Historical Institute of the University of Muenster \\
*2000-2012  Member, since 2003 Speaker of the Collaborative Research Centre 496 "Symbolic Communication and social Value Systems" \\
*2004-2008  Vice-President of the Association of the German Historians (Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands)\\
*2005  Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Award of the German Research Foundation (DFG)\\
*2007 Coordinator and Principal Investigator of the Excellence Cluster „Religion and Politics", University of Muenster \\
*2009 Chercheur invitée an der École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris