!!Gábor Stépán - Curriculum Vitae
Full-length CV and publication list: [http://www.mm.bme.hu/~stepan]\\
!Short CV
*1982 PhD, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS)\\
*1978 MSc, Technical University of Budapest (BME)
*2023 Foreign member of Chinese Academy of Sciences\\
*2018 Foreign member of Estonian Academy of Sciences\\
*2007 Full member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences\\
*2001 Corresponding member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences\\
*1995 Dr.habil., Technical University of Budapest (BME)\\
*1994 DSc, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS)
*2024- Professor Emeritus, Department of Applied Mechanics (BME)\\
*2008-2012 Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (BME)\\
*1995-2023 Professor and Head of Department, Applied Mechanics (BME)\\
*1991-1995 Associate Professor, Dept. of Applied Mechanics (BME)\\
*1981-1991 Research Associate, Research Group on Mechanics (HAS)\\
*1980-1981 Design Engineer, Machine Tool Factory, Csepel Works
__Teaching Interest__
*BSc level Dynamics, Vibrations, Dynamics of Machines\\
*MSc level Nonlinear Vibrations, Dynamics of Robots\\
*PhD level Non-holonomic systems, Supervisor of 31 PhD students, 15 received PhD degree
__Research Interest__
*Analytical Mechanics; Delay Differential Equations; \\
*Applications in Mechanical Engineering (machine tool dynamics, robotics)
__Visiting Positions__
*2008 Universite Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6 (1 month)\\
*1996 University of Bristol, UK (1 month)\\
*1994-1995 Fulbright scholarship, CalTech, Pasadena USA (10 months)\\
*1992-1993 Delft University of Technology, Netherlands (2 months)\\
*1991 Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby (4 months)\\
*1990 Politecnico di Milano, Italy (1 month)\\
*1988-1989 University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK (18 months)
__International Projects (PI, co-PI)__
*2020-2021 ERC-2019-PoC-862308 ‘ProExcer’ (ERC Proof of Concept Grant)\\
*2014-2019 ERC-2013-AdG-340889 - SIREN (ERC Advanced Grant)\\
*2011-2013 NMP-ICT-Fof-260073 - DYNXPERTS (EU FP7)\\
*2010-2012 TET_08_SG_STAR - COSMOSYS’ (NKTH-A*STAR / Hungary-Singapore)\\
*2007-2009 IST-2006-045530 - ACROBOTER (EU FP6)\\
*2005-2011 V2.3.3-1 ’New Nuclear Energy Technologies’ (NKTH, associated to EU ITER)\\
*2000-2003 IST-1999-13109 - REHAROB (EU FP5)
__Journals __(editorial board member / associate editor) (impact factor in 2011)
*2019-2022 International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture\\
*2014-     Nonlinear Dynamics\\
*2013–2018 Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics (ASME)\\
*2007-2019 Physica D\\
*2006-     Mechanism and Machine Theory\\
*2005-2010 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences\\
*1998-2012 Meccanica\\
*1995-2014 Journal of Nonlinear Science\\
*1994-2016 Journal of Vibration and Control\\
__Societies__ (function)
*EuroMech ( elected member 2019-2024, the Council of European Mechanics Society) \\
*IUTAM (elected member of Executive Comm of Congress Comm 2012-20, member of Symposia Panel 2006-14) \\
*ASME (member 2013-, American Society of Mechanical Engineers)\\
*IFToMM (elected member of Executive Council 1995-2003), \\
*CIRP (elected member 2012-, elected fellow 2020)\\
*GaMM (member 1991-), \\
*SIAM (member 1992, elected fellow 2017), \\
*CISM (member 2002- )\\