!!Monica Spiridon - Biography

Professor at the University of Bucharest, Romania (Faculty of Letters.) Specializing in critical and cultural theory, comparative literature, cultural studies, cultural semiotics, narratology and  East-Central European culture of the twentieth century.
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__Postdoctoral  fellowships:__ ''L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales'' (EHES), Paris, ''Le Laboratoire pour l’étude des langages artistiques'' (superviser Gérard Genette); U.C. Berkeley, ''Department of Philosophy, (Philosophy of Mind and Language:''  supervisor  John R. Searle); ''The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies, (NIAS)'', Wassenaar; ''the Rockefeller Foundation: The Bellagio Study and Conference Centre'', Italy; St. John’s College, Oxford, U.K.;  New Europe College, Bucharest, Romania.
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Authored 16 individual monographs, 150 studies in Peer reviewed scholarly publications ( 23  listed ISI/Clarivate analytics)  and two dozen chapters  in scientific  collections  published in Germany,  The Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Portugal,  Greece, Slovenia, Slovakia, Estonia, The Czech Republic, Canada and the U.S.
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__Scientific Affiliations:__ 1.The International Comparative Literature Association, ICLA / AIL: Member of the Executive Bureau (1997-2003); ''Chair to the Research Committee on Eastern and South- Eastern Europe'' 2000- 2010; Vice-president 2010 -2015 2. The European Network for Comparative Literary Studies /Le Réseau Européen d’Etudes Littéraires Comparatives, ENCLS/REELC, founder, member of the Executive Bureau (2004-2006).
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__Commissions of Trust:__  ''Expert of  European Research Council  Executive Agency  for SH'' (Socio-Humanities)  ERC panels( 2008 - );  Evaluator for  the ''European Science Foundation College of Expert Reviewers''  (2016 -2022 );  Chair  to the   ''Expert Panel for Literature and Media for ERIH''  (European Research Index for the Humanities)(2005-2011);   member of the  ''European  Pool of Reviewers'' (European Science Foundation)( 2005-2010); Evaluator for ''EURIAS'' (''European Association of Institutes for Advanced Studies'') Scholarship programs;  Member to the advisory boards of ISI /Clarivate Analytics  and ERIH listed scholarly publications.
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In 2000, The Order of Cultural merit, in rank of  High Officer (Ordinul Meritul Cultural “Serviciul Credincios”, in rang de ofiter) awarded by the president of Romania.