!!Beáta Sperlágh - Selected Publications
Katona I, Sperlágh B, Sík A, Kőfalvi A, Vizi ES, Mackie K, Freund TF, Presynaptically located CB1 cannabinoid receptors regulate GABA release from axon terminals of specific hippocampal interneurons J NEUROSCI 19: 4544-4558 (1999) IF: 8.955, Citations: 725\\
Sperlágh B, Köfalvi A, Deuchars J, Atkinson L, Milligan CJ, Buckley NJ, Vizi ES Involvement of P2X7 receptors in the regulation of neurotransmitter release in the rat hippocampus J NEUROCHEM 81: 1196-1211 (2002) IF: 4.969, Citations: 162\\
Köfalvi A, Rodrigues RJ, Ledent C, MacKie K, Vizi ES, Cunha RA, Sperlágh B. Involvement of cannabinoid receptors in the regulation of neurotransmitter release in the rodent striatum: a combined immunochemical and pharmacological analysis J NEUROSCI 25: 2874-2884 (2005) IF: 7.506, Citations: 159\\
Hracskó Z, Baranyi M, Csölle C, Gölöncsér F, Madarász E, Kittel A, Sperlágh B. Lack of neuroprotection in the absence of P2X7 receptors in toxin-induced animal models of Parkinson’s disease. MOLECULAR NEURODEGENERATION 6:28. (2011) IF: 5.361 \\
Csolle C, Ando RD, Kittel A, Goloncser F, Baranyi M, Soproni K, Zelena D, Haller J, Nemeth T, Mocsai A,  Sperlagh B. The absence of P2X7 receptors (P2rx7) on non-haematopoietic cells leads to selective alteration in mood-related behaviour with dysregulated gene expression and stress reactivity in mice, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 16:. 1-21. (2012) IF: 4.699 \\
Heinrich A, Andó R, Túri G, Rózsa B, Sperlágh B. K(+) depolarization evokes ATP, adenosine and glutamate release from glia in rat hippocampus: a microelectrode biosensor study. BR J PHARMACOL. 167:1003-20.  (2012) IF: 4.925 \\
Ficker C, Rozmer K, Kató E, Andó RD, Schumann L, Krügel U, Franke H, Sperlágh B, Riedel t, Illes P. Astrocyte-Neuron Interaction in the Substantia Gelatinosa of the Spinal Cord Dorsal Horn via P2X7 Receptor-Mediated Release of Glutamate and Reactive Oxygen Species  GLIA 62:10: 1671-1686 (2014) IF: 5.466\\
Horváth G, Gölöncsér F, Csölle C, Király K, Andó RD, Baranyi M, Koványi B, Máté Z, Hoffmann K, Algaier I, Baqi Y, Müller CE, Von Kügelgen, Sperlágh B. Central P2Y(12) receptor blockade alleviates inflammatory and neuropathic pain and cytokine production in rodents  NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE 70: 162-178 (2014) IF: 5.202 \\
Sperlagh, B,  Illes, P. P2X7 receptor: an emerging target in central nervous system diseases. TRENDS IN PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 35:10: 537-547 (2014) IF: 9.988 \\
Baranyi M, Porceddu PF, Gölöncsér F, Kulcsár S, Otrokocsi L, Kittel Á, Pinna A, Frau L, Huleatt PB, Khoo ML, Chai CL, Dunkel P, Mátyus P, Morelli M, Sperlágh B. Novel (Hetero)arylalkenyl propargylamine compounds are protective in toxin-induced models of Parkinson's disease. Mol Neurodegener. 2016 Jan 13;11(1):6 IF: 6.51 \\
Overall scientometric record: ~ 390 publications, 94 full papers in international peer reviewed journals, 9 chapters, Impact factor: 330, Citations: 3824 (Wos/Scopus), 4398 (Research Gate),   H-index: 33