!!Józef Spałek - Biography
Józef Spałek received M.Sc. Degree in theoretical physics in 1969 from the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He obtained his Ph.D. in physics cum laude in 1975 from the AGH University of Science in Technology in Krakow, an Dr. Sc. (habilitation) in theoretical physics in 1981 from the Jagiellonian University. After series of postdoctoral and visiting fellowships (Imperial College in London, Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Nord, International Centre of Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Universita di Parma) he became in 1886 Associated Professor in physics at AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. In the years 1988-1991 he had a position of visiting professor in physics at Purdue University (USA), and subsequently in 1991 became a Professor of Physics in the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Warsaw University. In 1994 he returned to Kraków and became a full Professor of Physics at the Jagiellonian University, with a newly created Chair of Condensed Matter Theory and Nanophysics in the Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics (for the years 1994-2017). At present, he is a full professor there. He is also the President of the Polish Physical Society – Kraków Branch and is the chairman of the Program Committee of the Polish Physical Congress (September, 2019), inaugurating Centennary Year of the Society. He was also instrumental in setting the Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology, located at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków (3-person committee establishing the Centre on the basis of a special EU-project money, in the years 2008-13).  He also participated as a lecturer and examiner in the special program European Doctorate in Physics (2000-2008) located at Universita di Pavia (Italy). \\
[Full-length CV|http://th-www.if.uj.edu.pl/ztms/eng/jSpalek.php]\\ \\