!!Clivia Marfa Sotomayor Torres - Biography
Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres obtained her BSc. (Hons.) in Physics (U. Southampton, 1979) and her PhD. in Physics  (U. Manchester, 1984) with a thesis on semiconductor physics. She has held tenured academic appointments at St Andrews, Glasgow, Wuppertal and at University College Cork.  She built strong research groups in every institution and pioneered research topics in each of them. Since 2008 she is an ICREA Research Professor at the ICN2 where she leads the 17-person Phononic and Photonic Nanostructures group ([http://www.icn2-p2n.eu]). She was a Visiting Professor at the CNRS and U. Paul Sabatiers (2003-2004) and at KTH, Sweden, (2013-18). Her main research is focused in phonons in confined systems, thermal transport, optomechanics and, more recently, topological phononics and includes nanofabrication and nanometrology. She is author of over 500 technical papers and has (co-) edited 6 books. She has co-authored seven book chapter, four position/policy papers (nanophotonics, Beyond CMOS nanoelectronics, nanoarchitectronics and nanophononics) and three outreach articles.\\
She has led several European projects and one Spanish CONSOLIDER project. Recently she coordinated the H2020 FET Open project PhENOMEN, which successfully demonstrated phonon circuits for communication technologies. Several of her postdoctoral researchers have pursued academic careers.\\
She has held several Commissions of Trust in Europe and Asia and participated in institutional and research program-level evaluations in Italy, France and Sweden.\\
Full CV and list of Publications at:  www.icrea.cat/Web/ScientificStaff/clivia-marfa-sotomayor-torres-422\\ \\