!!Hans-Uwe Simon - Selected Publications
__Scopus h-index:__ 91\\
 __Citations:__ 40’738\\
 __Scopus ID number:__ 7402135360\\
1.  H.-U. Simon, S.G. Plötz, R. Dummer, K. Blaser: Abnormal clones of T cells producing interleukin 5 in idiopathic eosinophilia. N. Engl. J. Med. 341 (1999), 1112-1120.\\
Chief investigator and first author investigating a large cohort of patients with hypereosinophilic syndrome and describing the clonal expansion of T cells expressing abnormal immunophenotypes as a cause of eosinophilia.\\
2.  I. Daigle, S. Yousefi, M. Colonna, D.R. Green, H.-U. Simon: Death receptors bind SHP-1 and block cytokine-induced antiapoptotic signaling in neutrophils. Nat. Med. 8 (2002), 61-67.\\
Senior author of a paper investigating the effect of concurrent activation of neutrophils with both survival and death factors.\\
3.  S. Yousefi, R. Perozzo, I. Schmid, A. Ziemiecki, T. Schaffner, L. Scapozza, T. Brunner, H.-U. Simon: Calpain-mediated cleavage of Atg5 switches autophagy to apoptosis. Nat. Cell Biol. 8 (2006), 1124-1132.\\
Senior author of a landmark paper describing a molecular switch from autophagy to apoptosis.\\
4. S. Conus, R. Perozzo, T. Reinheckel, C. Peters, L. Scapozza, S. Yousefi, H.-U. Simon: Caspase-8 is activated by cathepsin D initiating neutrophil apoptosis during the resolution of inflammation. J. Exp. Med. 205 (2008), 685-698.\\
Senior author of a paper identifying a new cell organelle (azurophilic granule) in apoptosis and describing its role in the resolution of neutrophilic inflammation.\\
5. S. Yousefi, J.A. Gold, N. Andina, J.J. Lee, A.M. Kelly, E. Kozlowski, I. Schmid, A. Straumann, J. Reichenbach, G.J. Gleich, H.-U. Simon: Catapult-like release of mitochondrial DNA by eosinophils contributes to antibacterial defense. Nat. Med. 14 (2008), 949-953.\\
Senior author of a landmark paper describing for the first time eosinophil extracellular DNA traps formed by viable eosinophils.\\
6. D. Maskey, S. Yousefi, I. Schmid, I. Zlobec, A. Perren, R. Friis, H.-U. Simon: A novel role for ATG5 in drug-induced mitotic catastrophe independent of autophagy. Nat. Commun. 4 (2013), 2130.\\
Senior author of a paper describing a molecular switch from mitotic catastrophe to apoptosis.\\
7.  H. Liu, Z. He, T. von Rütte, S. Yousefi, R.E. Hunger, H.-U. Simon: Down-regulation of autophagy-related protein 5 (ATG5) contributes to the pathogenesis of early-stage cutaneous melanoma. Sci. Transl. Med. 5 (2013), 202ra123.\\
Senior author of a paper demonstrating the link between defective autophagy and tumorigenesis.\\
8.  S. Radonjic-Hoesli, X. Wang, E. de Graauw, C. Stoeckle, B. Styp-Rekowska, R. Hlushchuk, D. Simon, P.J. Spaeth, S. Yousefi, H.-U. Simon: Adhesion-induced eosinophil cytolysis requires the RIPK3-MLKL signaling pathway which is counter-regulated by autophagy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 140 (2017), 1632-1642.\\
Senior author of a paper describing the molecular mechanism of eosinophil cytolysis, a phenomen often observed in eosinophilic tissues.\\
9.  P. Amini, D. Stojkov, A. Felser, C.B. Jackson, C. Courage, A. Schaller, L. Gelman, M.E. Soriano, J.M. Nuoffer, L. Scorrano, C. Benarafa, S. Yousefi, H.-U. Simon: Neutrophil extracellular trap formation requires OPA1-dependent glycolytic ATP production.  Nat. Commun. 9 (2018), 2958.\\
Senior author of a paper demonstrating the requirement of glycolytic ATP production in the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs).\\
10.  N. Germic, A. Hosseini, D. Stojkov, K. Oberson, M. Claus, C. Benarafa, S. Calzavarini, A. Angelillo-Scherrer, I.C. Arnold, A. Müller, C. Riether, S. Yousefi, H.-U. Simon: ATG5 promotes eosinopoiesis, but inhibits eosinophil effector functions. Blood 137 (2021), 2958-2969.\\
Senior author of a paper investigating the role of autophagy in eosinophil functions.