!!Ilana F. Silber - Publications
1995 Religious Virtuosity, Charisma and Social Order: A Comparative Sociological Study of Monasticism in Theravada Buddhism and Medieval Catholicism. Cambridge Cultural Social Studies. New York, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. x + 250 p. Republished in paperback edition by Cambridge University Press, 2005.\\
__Books Edited__\\
1988 S.N. Eisenstadt and I.F. Silber, eds. Cultural Traditions and Worlds of Knowledge: Explorations in the Sociology of Knowledge. Philadelphia: JAI, Studies in Knowledge and Society. 238 pages.\\
2005 Marcel Mauss: Essai sur le Don, translation from the French by Hila Karas, with introduction by Ilana F. Silber. Tel-Aviv: Resling (Hebrew)\\
2017 B.Z. Kedar, I.F. Silber and A. Kline-Oron, eds. Dynamics of Continuity, Patterns of Change: Between World History and Comparative Historical Sociology--In Memoriam of S.N. Eisenstadt. Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sciences and the Jerusalem Van Leer Institute.\\
__Selected Publications (Some Recent articles)__\\
Chanial P. and I. F. Silber 2021 "Reconciling Spirit and Contract? Marshall Sahlins and the Essai sur le don," in M. Cedrini and R. Marchionatti eds. Marshall Sahlins’s Stone Age Economics: A Semicentenary Estimate. A monographic issue of the Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science 55 (1): 87-106. Open access. 

Silber, I.F. 2020 " “S.N. Eisenstadt’s Theory of Culture,” European Journal of Social Theory'23, 2: 125–145. https://doi.org/10.1177/1368431018823602


Silber, I. F. 2019 "The Gift as 'Deep Play': A "Note" on Performance and Paradox in the Theatrics of Public Giving," in I. Hentschel ed. Theater as Exchange and Gift: Theoretical Prospects. Berlin: Transcript Verlag, pp. 125-145.\\

Silber, I.F. 2018 "Ponts dialogiques et alliances anti-utilitaristes," ("Dialogical Bridges and Anti-Utilitarian Alliances) in A. Caillé, P. Chanial, S. Dufoix and F. Vandenberghe eds. Des sciences sociales à la science sociale globalisée: Fondements anti-utilitaristes. Paris: Aube.\\
Silber, I. F. 2016 "The Cultural Worth of Economies of Worth: French Pragmatic Sociology from a Cultural Sociological Perspective," in D. Inglis and A. Amila (ed.) The Sage Handbook of Cultural Sociology. London: Sage.\\
Silber, I. F. 2014 “Boltanski and the Gift: Beyond Love, Beyond Suspicion...?” in Simon Susen and Bryan Turner ed. The Spirit of Luc Boltanski: Essays in the "Pragmatic Sociology of Critique." London, New York: Anthem Press.\\
Silber, I. F. 2012 “The Angry Gift: A Neglected Facet of Philanthropy," Current Sociology 60, 3: 317-334. Republished in abridged, version in  B. Breeze and M. Moody eds. The Philanthropy Reader. London: Routledge, 2017.\\
Silber, I.F. 2011 "Deciphering Transcendence and the Open Code of Modernity: S.N. Eisenstadt's Comparative Hermeneutics of Civilizations,” Journal of Classical Sociology 3: 269-280.\\
Silber, I.F. 2010 “Mauss, Weber et les trajectoires historiques du don,” Revue du M.A.U.S.S. 36: 539-561.\\
Silber, I.F. 2009 "Bourdieu’s Gift to Gift Theory: An Unacknowledged Trajectory," Sociological Theory 27, 2: 173-190.