!!Heng Tao Shen - Biography
Dr. Heng Tao Shen is currently a Distinguished Professor, Dean of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Executive Dean of AI Research Institute at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Dean of Sichuan AI Research Institute, and Chief Scientist of Vision Intelligence in Peng Cheng Laboratory of China. He received his BSc (First Class Honours) and PhD from Department of Computer Science at National University of Singapore in 2000 and 2004 respectively. Then he joined University of Queensland as a lecturer, senior lecturer, Reader,and became a professor in late 2011.  \\
He has made continuous contributions to the general fields of multimedia computing, computer vision, and artificial intelligence. He has invented the first real-time near-duplicate video content identification and retrieval system. Recently, he has led the charge to address the challenging problem of cross-media intelligent analysis, which demands research innovations from multi-modal data fusion and representation, cross-media linkage analysis and reasoning, cross-media interaction and knowledge evolution on top of various learning algorithms, for a wide range of applications such as retrieval, metaverse, self-driving, robotics, digital manufacturing, smart city, etc.\\
He has published 360+ peer-reviewed papers, mostly in prestigious IEEE/ACM Transactions and conferences like IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, ACM Multimedia, CVPR, AAAI and IJCAI. He has received 8 Best Paper Awards, including top conferences ACM Multimedia 2017, ACM SIGIR 2017, and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2020. He has had 29 ESI Highly Cited Papers and 11 ESI Hot Papers since 2015. His H-index is 78 with 21000+ Google Scholar Citations. \\
The significance of his academic achievements has been recognized by ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, OSA Fellow, and Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher. His research has been supported by 15 nationally-competitive research grants, including Major Project from Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Project 111 from Ministry of Education of China, Key Project and International Collaboration Key Project and from National Natural Science Foundation of China, Discovery Projects from Australia Research Council. He has won Chris Wallace Award 2010 from Australasian CORE, Future Fellowship 2012 from Australia Research Council, Oversea Chinese Outstanding Contribution Award of China 2016, Sichuan Tianfu Friendship Award 2017, Sichuan Outstanding Talent Award 2020, etc. \\
He is a Member of IEEE Computer Society Fellow Evaluating Committee. He is/was an Associate Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Computer Application, an Associate Editor of ACM Transactions of Data Science, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Pattern Recognition, and Journal of Software. He has chaired many conferences, including  General Co-Chair of ACM Multimedia 2021 and APWEB/WAIM 2019, TPC Co-Chair of ACM Multimedia 2015 and KSEM 2020, etc. He is keynote/plenary speaker for many international conferences.\\ \\