!2008 Rosalind Kornfeld Award for Nathan Sharon
Read about [2008 Rosalind Kornfeld Award for Nathan Sharon|http:///www.glycobiology.org/winner-2008-rosalind-b.php] (Source: The Society for Glycobiology)
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!Nathan Sharon - Obituaries
[Obituary: Nathan Sharon, 1925–2011|http:///glycob.oxfordjournals.org/content/21/9/1119.extract] written by Jeremiah Silbert and Harry Schachter (Source: Glycobiology Volume 21, Issue 9, p. 1119-1120)
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[Retrospective: Nathan Sharon (1925 – 2011)|http:///www.asbmb.org/asbmbtoday/asbmbtoday_article.aspx?id=13942] written by Eve Ida Barak and Eugene A. Davidson (Source:ASBMB Today)
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