!!Klaus Schulze-Osthoff - Selected Publications
Jahn A, Rump A, Widmann TJ, Heining C, Horak P, Hutter B, Paramasivam N, Uhrig S, Gieldon L, Drukewitz S, Kübler A, Bermudez M, Hackmann K, Porrmann J, Wagner J, Arlt M, Franke M, Fischer J, Kowalzyk Z, William D, Weth V, Oster S, Fröhlich M, Hüllein J, Valle González C, Kreutzfeldt S, Mock A, Heilig CE, Lipka DB, Möhrmann L, Hanf D, Oleś M, Teleanu V, Allgäuer M, Ruhnke L, Kutz O, Knurr A, Laßmann A, Endris V, Neumann O, Penzel R, Beck K, Richter D, Winter U, Wolf S, Pfütze K, Geörg C, Meißburger B, Buchhalter I, Augustin M, Aulitzky WE, Hohenberger P, Kroiss M, Schirmacher P, Schlenk RF, Keilholz U, Klauschen F, Folprecht G, Bauer S, Siveke JT, Brandts CH, Kindler T, Boerries M, Illert AL, von Bubnoff N, Jost PJ, Metzeler KH, Bitzer M, Schulze-Osthoff K, et al. (2022) Comprehensive cancer predisposition testing within the prospective MASTER trial identifies hereditary cancer patients and supports treatment decisions for rare cancers. Ann Oncol. 33: 1186-1199.\\
Horak P, Heining C, Kreutzfeldt S, Hutter B, Mock A, Hüllein J, Fröhlich M, Uhrig S, Jahn A, Rump A, Gieldon L, Möhrmann L, Hanf D, Teleanu V, Heilig CE, Lipka DB, Allgäuer M, Ruhnke L, Laßmann A, Endris V, Neumann O, Penzel R, Beck K, Richter D, Winter U, Wolf S, Pfütze K, Geörg C, Meißburger B, Buchhalter I, Augustin M, Aulitzky WE, Hohenberger P, Kroiss M, Schirmacher P, Schlenk RF, Keilholz U, Klauschen F, Folprecht G, Bauer S, Siveke JT, Brandts CH, Kindler T, Boerries M, Illert AL, von Bubnoff N, Jost PJ, Spiekermann K, Bitzer M, Schulze-Osthoff K et al. (2021) Comprehensive Genomic and Transcriptomic Analysis for Guiding Therapeutic Decisions in Patients with Rare Cancers: Results of the Multicenter MASTER Trial by the German Cancer Consortium. Cancer Discov. 11: 2780-2795.\\
Schmitt A, Xu W, Bucher P, Grimm M, Konantz M, Horn H, Zapukhlyak M, Berning P, Brändle M, Jarboui MA, Schönfeld C, Boldt K, Rosenwald A, Ott G, Grau M, Klener P, Vockova P, Lengerke C, Lenz G, Schulze-Osthoff K, Hailfinger S. (2021) Dimethyl fumarate induces ferroptosis and impairs NF-κB/STAT3 signaling in DLBCL. Blood 138: 871-884 [[see Editorial: Davis RE. (2021). Killing 2 birds with 1 stone in DLBCL. Blood 138: 822-824.\\
Bucher P, Erdmann T, Grondona P, Xu W, Schmitt A, Schürch C, Zapukhlyak M, Schönfeld C, Serfling E, Kramer D, Grau M, Klener P, Lengerke C, Schulze-Osthoff K et al. (2020) Targeting chronic NFAT activation with calcineurin inhibitors in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Blood 135: 121-132.\\
Wang H, Schaefer T, Konantz M, Braun M, Varga Z, Paczulla AM, Reich S, Jacob F, Perner S, Moch H, Fehm TN, Kanz L, Schulze-Osthoff K, Lengerke C (2017). Prominent oncogenic roles of EVI1 in breast carcinoma. Cancer Res. 77: 2148-2160 \\
Johansen C, Mose M, Ommen P, Bertelsen T, Vinter H, Hailfinger S, Lorscheid S, Schulze-Osthoff K, Iversen L. (2015) IκBζ is a key driver in the development of psoriasis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112: E5825-33.\\
Dannenmann B, Lehle S, Hildebrand DG, Kübler A, Grondona P, Schmid V, Holzer K, Fröschl M, Essmann F, Rothfuss O, Schulze-Osthoff K (2015). High glutathione and glutathione peroxidase-2 levels mediate cell type-specific DNA damage protection in human induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Reports 4: 886-98. See cover image.\\
Lehle S, Hildebrand DG, Merz B, Malak PN, Becker MS, Schmezer P, Essmann F, Schulze-Osthoff K, Rothfuss O. (2014) LORD-Q: A Long-Run Real-Time PCR-based DNA Damage Quantification Method For Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genome Analysis. Nucleic Acids Res. 42, e41. (featured by Genomeweb.com, Jan. 02, 2014 “German Team Publishes Modified qPCR Method to Quantify DNA Damage in Nuclear, Mitochondrial Genomes“)\\
Braumüller H, Wieder T, Brenner E, Aßmann S, Hahn M, Alkhaled M, Schilbach K, Essmann F, Kneilling M, Griessinger C, Ranta F, Ullrich S, Mocikat R, Braungart K, Mehra T, Fehrenbacher B, Berdel J, Niessner H, Meier F, van den Broek M, Häring HU, Handgretinger R, Quintanilla-Martinez L, Fend F, Pesic M, Bauer J, Zender L, Schaller M, Schulze-Osthoff K, Röcken M. (2013) TH1 Cell Cytokines Drive Cancer into Senescence. Nature 494: 361–365 (see Editorial Alterton GK: Nat. Rev Immunol. 13, 156-157]].\\
Schuster M, Glauben R, Plaza-Sirvent C, Schreiber L, Annemann M, Floess S, Kühl AA, Clayton LK, Sparwasser T, Schulze-Osthoff K, et al. (2012) IκBNS protein Mediates Regulatory T Cell Development via Induction of the Foxp3 Transcription Factor. Immunity 37: 998–1008.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit kschulze-osthoff}][{ALLOW upload kschulze-osthoff}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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