!!Arnold J. Schmidt - Curriculum Vitae 
__Present position__

Professor at the Institut für Photonik der TU-Wien, Austria
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*1944 – 1956		Elementary and High School (A- levels 1956) 
*1956 – 1962		Study of physics at the Universität Wien, (Ph.D. 1962)
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*1962 – 1965:	Research Assistant (with Prof. Dr. K.M. Koch); engaged in founding the Ludwig Boltzmann Society and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute für Festköperphysik, Vienna, Austria
*1966 – 1971:	Research Fellow at the Department of Physics, University of York, UK
*1971 – 1975:	Research Associate at the Physics Department, University of California, Berkeley, USA
*1975:	Assistant Professor at the Institut für physikalische Elektronik TH Wien, Austria
*1978:			“Habilitation” in the field of Quantum Electronics
*1979:	Associate Professor and head of the Abteilung für Quantenelektronik und Lasertechnik at the TU Wien
*1986:			Full Professor at the TU Wien, Austria
*1989 – 1993:	Chairman of the Institut für allgemeine Elektrotechnik und Elektronik of the TU Wien, Austria
*2000 – 2001:	Chairman of the Photonics Institute of the TU Wien, Austria
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__Membership in Learned Societies and Awards (selection) __
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*Member of the Academia Europea (since 1998)
*Member of the Austrian Academy of Science (since 1999)
*Fellow of the Optical Society of America (since 1996)
*Fellow of the American Physical Society (since 1998)
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__Memberships and Functions in Funding Organizations (selection)__
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*President of the Christian-Doppler-Gesellschaft (1988 – 1994) 
*President of the Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (1994 – 2003)
*Member of the Governing Council of the European Science Foundation (2000 - 2003)
*Member of the Steering Committee of the EUROHORCS (2001- 2003)
*Member of ESTA (1994 – 1999)
*Member of the European Research Advisory Board (EURAB) (2001- 2004)
*Chairman of the board of the Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (2005 - 2009) 
*Member of the board of the Österreichischen Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (2005 - 2009)
*Vice chair of the Scientific Board of ISTA (Institute of Science and Technology, Austria) (2007- )