!!Wolfgang Schlager - Recent publications
Schlager, W., Marsal, D., Van der Geest, P.A.G. & Sprenger, A. 1998. Sedimentation Rates, Observation Span, and the Problem of Spurious Correlation. ''Math. Geol''., v. 30, p. 547-556.

Schlager, W. 1999. Sequence stratigraphy of carbonate rocks: ''Leading Edge'', p.901-907.

Schlager, W. 1999. Scaling of sedimentation rates and drowning of reefs and carbonate platforms: ''Geology'', v. 27, p.183-186.

Schlager, W. 1999. Type 3 sequence boundaries: In: Harris, P.M., Saller, A. & Simo, J.A. (eds.). Advances in carbonate sequence stratigraphy: application to reservoirs, outcrops, and models: ''Soc. Sedim. Geol., Spec. Publ.'' , 62, p.35-45.

Schlager, W. 2000. Sedimentation rates and growth potential of tropical, cool-water and mud-mound carbonate systems. ''Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ''. , 178, p. 217 - 227.

Schlager, W. 2000. The Future of Applied Sedimentary Geology. ''J. Sed. Res''. , v. 70, p. 2 - 9.

Schlager, W. & Adams, E.W. 2001: Model for the sigmoidal curvature of submarine slopes. ''Geology'', v. 29, p.883-886.

Schlager, W. 2003. Benthic carbonate factories of the Phanerozoic. ''International Journal of Earth Sciences'', 92/4.

Schlager, W. 2003. Fractal nature of stratigraphic sequences. ''Geology'', in press.