!!Alessandro Schiesaro - Biography
Alessandro Schiesaro studied in Pisa as a scholar of the Scuola Normale Superiore (Laurea, Diploma and PhD), at Berkeley thanks to a Fulbright Fellowship and at Oxford. His main fields of interest include Latin literature, literary theory, psychoanalysis and cultural history; he is especially fascinated by the interaction between poetry and philosophy and the role of poetry as purveyor of various forms of knowledge. His work so far focuses mostly on Lucretius, Virgil, Horace, Ovid and Seneca, as well as Statius, Apuleius and Leopardi.
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Alessandro Schiesaro's teaching career began as Assistant Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and he subsequently held chairs at Princeton, where he was also Director of Graduate Studies in Classics, King’s College London (also as Head of Department and Deputy Head of School) and Sapienza University of Rome, where he has been until recently the Founding Director of the Sapienza School for Advanced Studies.