!!Jean-Marie Schaeffer - Curriculum Vitae
Jean-Marie Schaeffer obtained his at the EHESS Paris in June 1979, with a dissertation: entitled « La théorie du roman du romantisme allemand » (Supervisor: Gérard Genette).\\
He made most of his professional career at the CNRS and the EHESS, where he obtained the following promotions:
*1982: Attaché de recherche CNRS\\
*1986: Chargé de recherche CNRS\\
*1993: Habilitation à diriger les recherches\\
*1994: Directeur de recherche CNRS\\
*2005:  Directeur d’études EHESS\\
He has obtained two international fellowships: Fellowships:
*1989-1990:    Fellow at the Center of Humanities Kyoto University (Japan)\\
*1993: Junior Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton (USA)\\
Between 2001 and 2010 he has been Director of the CRAL, Centre de recherches sur les arts et le langage (EHESS/CNRS).
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He is currently Director of the Graduate School «Arts and languages»(EHESS).
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He has recently served on the following committes:
*President  of  the appointment committee for a  position in the  Literature department of ENS (Paris) (2010); member of the appointement committee for a position in the French department at  University Paris 4 (2011)\\
*Responsible for creating a new Philosophy MA at the EHESS (2010)  an MA speciality «Theory of Literature»(2012)\\
*Member of th Senior Scientific Council of the Institut Universitaire de France (2011,2012, 2014)\\
*Member of the Scientific Committee of the IAS Lyon (France) (since 2010)\\
*Member of the Internationaler Wissenschaftlicher Beirat of the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School (Freie Universität Berlin)\\
*Member of the Science Europe Scientific Committee for Humanities (Brussels)(since 2012)\\
*Expert for  National Founding Agencies (France, Switzerland, Belgium, Canada)\\
Most of his books have been translated in the major international languagues.