!!David Saurí - Biography
David Sauri-Pujol (Barcelona, 1958) has a B.A and an M.A. in Geography (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and a Ph.D. in Geography (Clark University, USA, 1990). Currently he is a member of the Geography Department of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and, also a member of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the same university. From October 2000 to February 2003 he was the Director of the Centre for Environmental Studies of the same university. He teaches courses on a variety of environmental topics in the Geography degree and in the Environmental Science degree as well as in the Masters programmes of both subjects, including Natural and Technological Hazards, Water Management, and Land use Change. He has authored or co-authored over one hundred and fifty publications (in Catalan, Spanish, French and English) in research themes such as natural and technological hazards; water planning and management; urban change and environmental impacts (especially those related to water) cultural heritage in rivers and wetlands; socioenvironmental change in Mediterranean rural areas, and nature-society theories. His research has been funded by the European Union (projects ARCHEOMEDES II, FIRMA, HARMONICOP, MATISSE, ESPON-CLIMATE among others); the Spanish CICYT, and the Catalan AGAUR as well as by the Foundations AGBAR and ABERTIS. He has worked as a consultant for the OECD and for the European Environment Agency. In 2007 he received the Environmental Prize awarded by the Institute of Catalan Studies.